Bradygames Strategy Guide

  • Thread starter dylansan


United States
I just received a copy of the official strategy guide for Enthusia, and it looks quite good!


Some of the information inside is summarized in the FAQ on this forum, but there is also info I haven't seen detailed elsewhere, such as the list of special races in each race grade (e.g. Lightweight 2-Seater meeting) and the eligible vehicles, as well as the weight of each vehicle at each weight upgrade stage.

The car list has nice pictures for each car, but doesn't seem to contain much info beyond what is included in the in game specs.

Overall I'm glad I bought it, as it gives me an idea to complete the game by doing every special event in a race grade before moving to the next one. There are quite a few that are easily missed especially if skipping to the higher grades as soon as possible.

I may copy some of the data from tables whose info can't be found in game, so it can be used by any players.
From my own copy, naturally. 🐺 Congrats on getting this collectible.
A shame there isn't more info about how the horsepower upgrades work, but it's nice to know the weight upgrades at least.

It's also funny how much space they take up with a list of the points required to upgrade each car, which they could have summarized without repeating the same numbers hundreds of times. 😅