Drag racing section

  • Thread starter mazdaman
Trinidad and Tobago
A lot of you been wondering if there's gonna be a leaderboard for GT6. As of right now it doesn't look like that's happening because there's no speed test. However, there are alooooot of 1000+hp cars
SSRX has been used only for license matter from what im seeing and how far i've gotten through the game . I just bought me a black edition to see max hp but that's been proven to be 1000+. Just makes me wonder about Evos, Supra and Hondas 👍
SSRX has been used only for license matter from what im seeing and how far i've gotten through the game . I just bought me a black edition to see max hp but that's been proven to be 1000+. Just makes me wonder about Evos, Supra and Hondas 👍
How did you get the game?
Glad there's no speed test. Remember when we all wined for one then it completely ruined online play since everyone was running basically the same tune. Gonna be great tuning off of other people again instead of the clock :D
similar to when gt5 came out, all you could adjust was final gear and mph

then they came out with an update to adjust individual gears

then someone figured out flipping

this time looks like it will just be the final gear and individual gears
Mazda do you still need to break in the cars in GT6? And how many miles are needed? It's good to have this insight from the get go...
By the way, you guys notice that there's a Gt6 forums up and have sub forum under it got drifting photo and a few, how do we add drag racing section there?
This was asked in the site support. Jordan said he will adjust the gt6 forum after release of the game.

Not the new thread I asked way back to lazy to find it.
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well I dont think the hp has risen and I also believe breakins are still necessary.just maxed out a 92 civic eg and power is the same as a zero mile GT5 version
Alot of cars have big power
I think we are going to need a max hp thread like we had for gt5, I found that the spec c 04 sti now has 549hp and supra now has 937hp, and chevy nova making a healthy 797hp.
Sorry for dragging thread off topic

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