Need help w/ Photomode...XBOne 

United States
United States
How do you move the different slides without it taking forever? I understand how it would work with a mouse, but no idea how to get the slide to work with a controller.

Also, can you tilt the camera? I see move and zoom in/out (along with aperture settings) but nothing w/ tilt.

I don't think there is tilt on PS4 either. At least I haven't found it.
Guessing you're norwegian? Fun fun, always fun seeing another norwegian on here. Hallo! :) back to topic, I am almost certain using the touch plate on the ps4 controller makes it tilt. But my memory might be incorrect as I'm kinda tired and haven't really used photomode in forever haha
Guessing you're norwegian? Fun fun, always fun seeing another norwegian on here. Hallo! :) back to topic, I am almost certain using the touch plate on the ps4 controller makes it tilt. But my memory might be incorrect as I'm kinda tired and haven't really used photomode in forever haha

There are a couple of us lurking around. ;)
Did try the touch pad today, no go.
There are a couple of us lurking around. ;)
Did try the touch pad today, no go.
Ahh damn my memory must've remember wrong. Haha. Anyway zooming all the way in and panning all the way down sometimes gives a nice photo! When the camera comes off the "snap" and allow you to pan more down than normal, you know. :)
Photomode is painfully pathetic now compared to what it was during development, hell even before it released.

Every photo looks the same, the freedom is heavily constrained, the activity both here and on the official community portal pales in comparison to the mounds of hourly activity during development (for the reasons already listed), and the worst thing is we're asking for a return to the way it was supposed to be and I haven't seen or heard anything on that front since.

Needless to say, I haven't taken a picture I've been happy with since the switch.
Photomode is painfully pathetic now compared to what it was during development, hell even before it released.

Every photo looks the same, the freedom is heavily constrained, the activity both here and on the official community portal pales in comparison to the mounds of hourly activity during development (for the reasons already listed), and the worst thing is we're asking for a return to the way it was supposed to be and I haven't seen or heard anything on that front since.

Needless to say, I haven't taken a picture I've been happy with since the switch.

Couldn't agree more. Coming from gt6, which probably has the best and most comprehensive photomode of any racing game out there, I was thoroughly let down by pcars' idea of a photomode.

However, there are signs of improvement. They did implement better motion blur on the console versions in the 1.4 patch. Hopefully this means they haven't forgotten about photomode and are working to improve it.
Photomode is painfully pathetic now compared to what it was during development, hell even before it released.

Every photo looks the same, the freedom is heavily constrained, the activity both here and on the official community portal pales in comparison to the mounds of hourly activity during development (for the reasons already listed), and the worst thing is we're asking for a return to the way it was supposed to be and I haven't seen or heard anything on that front since.

Needless to say, I haven't taken a picture I've been happy with since the switch.

What has changed from pre release? Is it just not being able to move everywhere and rotate the horizon angle of the camera?

It's a shame on the consoles we don't get the ultra resolution super HD textures of the PC version used after the shutter is pressed even if that would require a delay like seen in GT5/6. The consoles are up to the task even if they aren't up to it for moving images. Also the PS4 compression of photos in general is disappointing compared to the likes of GT5/6 exports. However, you can still get good results, just not as good as they could be.

In the end getting the driving and racing right first should be the priority. It doesn't stop me hoping for better though.
I just bought PCars for the XBOX One last night. Are you guys saying there isn't a photomode? I am really looking forward to taking some pics as that's one of the things I love about racing games (forza, GT).
I just bought PCars for the XBOX One last night. Are you guys saying there isn't a photomode? I am really looking forward to taking some pics as that's one of the things I love about racing games (forza, GT).

There is a photo mode, but it's extremely lack luster and restrictive compared to the likes of GT, Forza and DriveClub.
Hey guys I just switched over from PS4 to Xbox One and also just rebought Project Cars for Xbox One...
I'm noticing an issue where when I take the photo in photo mode the photo is completely fine but when you go to retrieve it from the Drivers Network it's A LOT darker
is it just me or does anyone else have this issue?
Does anyone know a way around this? (I don't have photo shop) Does anyone know how much to play around with the settings in photomode so that it won't turn out as bad?
Hey guys I just switched over from PS4 to Xbox One and also just rebought Project Cars for Xbox One...
I'm noticing an issue where when I take the photo in photo mode the photo is completely fine but when you go to retrieve it from the Drivers Network it's A LOT darker
is it just me or does anyone else have this issue?
Does anyone know a way around this? (I don't have photo shop) Does anyone know how much to play around with the settings in photomode so that it won't turn out as bad?

I didn't use the Photo mode much in pCars (mainly because it was as intuitive as a rock) but I used to take good use of the XBone's screenshot feature. See if using that alters the lighting. You can also access photos on