Bob seems ALWAYS to perform the same in every lap

  • Thread starter GranDuram

i actually wanted to test if my bob performs better in a tuned or not tuned car.
I set up a race where he would easily overtake the other cars, so that it wouldn't make a difference in his performance.

I chose the MR-Race at B-spec lvl 16. And there only the first race (Deep Forest). (This has 10 laps.)
Bob got a Pagani LM Race car for the test. One time this car was untuned, one time it was tuned to my a-spec liking. (Both with same parts).
I kept bobs pace at exactly the middle
In the first lap and in the last lap he had to overtake other cars so i didnt take those laps into count. (and didn't write down the lap times)

First to the obvious:
He performed actually better with the tuned car.

But now to what i noticed when i compared the spreadsheet where i had noted the lap times:
Lap number 9 was bobs quickest lap in the tune ran and also in the untuned run.
Lap number 2 was bobs second quickest lap in the tune run and also in the untuned run.
Lap number 3 was bobs 3rd quickest lap in the tune run and also in the untuned run.
Lap number 5 was bobs 4th quickest lap in the tune run and also in the untuned run.
Lap number 4 was bobs 5th quickest lap in the tune run and also in the untuned run.
Lap number 7 was bobs 6th quickest lap in the tune run and also in the untuned run.
Lap number 8 was bobs 7th quickest lap in the tune run and also in the untuned run.
Lap number 6 was bobs slowest lap in the tune run and also in the untuned run.

I thought this might just be coincidence, so i let bob do this race again.
He actually performed in the same way as described above.

I haven't tested this with any other bobs yet and i haven't tested it with any other courses.

I first wanted to know if anybody experienced the same or if this is just a really funny coincidence...

I hope i don't bore u with already widely known stuff...
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I have not but i also have not put his lap times into a excel document to compaire them.
It would be interesting to see how bob reacts to differant command styles. and if this is the same with all bobs or is it differant by bob. as we have establish they have their own personalitys.
I guess what I contribute is that my hot-headed bobs seem to go quite a bit slower on their lap times when their "temperature" is cool. Like, 5-8 seconds slower. Did you maintain a steady heat level on these tests? Otherwise it's pretty tough to make a valid claim with it.
I guess what I contribute is that my hot-headed bobs seem to go quite a bit slower on their lap times when their "temperature" is cool. Like, 5-8 seconds slower. Did you maintain a steady heat level on these tests? Otherwise it's pretty tough to make a valid claim with it.
He kept it in the middle.
I kept bobs pace at exactly the middle
...It would be interesting to see how bob reacts to differant command styles. and if this is the same with all bobs or is it differant by bob...

I'm not at home right now. But maybe i can do some more testing next weekend.

Did you maintain a steady heat level on these tests?


I guess what I contribute is that my hot-headed bobs seem to go quite a bit slower on their lap times when their "temperature" is cool. Like, 5-8 seconds slower.

What my tests seemed to indicate is that one bob of mine (not in comparison to others but only to himself) seems to love the nineth lap of a race and to hate the sixth lap.

What should or maybe could be tested is:

- Is this a pattern that bob uses on any track. Example given: Will my bob make his quickest lap on the second lap of a race when the race only lasts maybe five laps.
- Is this a pattern that is true for any bob?
*If not: Do other bobs have a different pattern or is there really no pattern for bobs behaviour at all?
-If a pattern exists for all bobs what are the consequences?
*Maybe it is thus predictiable in what lap bob is most prone to make a mistake and to better cool him down in that same lap.

What should be made clear first:
Am i having a flight of fancy or is there really a pattern to bobs behaviour.
Maybe this should be tested by someone else rather than by me :crazy:

I have found that each Bob performs differently. Their personality; being all the way cool to all the way hot makes a big difference. I try and pick Bobs that are about 1/4 past the middle toward hot.

I have one that I can let start the race and he will do the entire race and win without a single command from me. I have others with the same temperament that I have to continually monitor to win a race. So concluding it really depends on the luck of the draw when you select a driver. I take in to account their cornering, braking, physical and mental strengths when selecting a driver and they all act differently. I use the same method to train them for every driver. So my conclusion is still it's the luck of the draw.
I have found that each Bob performs differently. Their personality; being all the way cool to all the way hot makes a big difference. I try and pick Bobs that are about 1/4 past the middle toward hot.

I have one that I can let start the race and he will do the entire race and win without a single command from me. I have others with the same temperament that I have to continually monitor to win a race. So concluding it really depends on the luck of the draw when you select a driver. I take in to account their cornering, braking, physical and mental strengths when selecting a driver and they all act differently. I use the same method to train them for every driver. So my conclusion is still it's the luck of the draw.

This is really good for you! You know how to get a quick bob! Thanks for posting.

But has your post ANY relevance to this topic at all? If so, I really don't see it...
This is really good for you! You know how to get a quick bob! Thanks for posting.

But has your post ANY relevance to this topic at all? If so, I really don't see it...

Based on the posts of previous members my post has a much relevance as any of the others. I have 4 accounts with 24 drivers all selected by the same criteria. Every Bob performs differently. No I have not tested one single Bob in a single race monitoring his lap times. I do have a total of almost 1,000 B-Spec races however.

I have been racing B-Spec for well over 2 years though. It is as I said previously I choose each Bob the same way, I train them the same way and they All drive differently.

Does this explain why your one single driver performs differently throughout a single race; no it doesn't. Neither do any of the previous posts from other members. I would suggest if you really want to take this further. Try 24 different Bobs in your single race and monitor each of their lap times and see what you come with. I believe you will find that your statistics will vary with each Bob. Thus my conclusion is still it's the luck of the draw how one individual Bob will perform over another in a single race based on the information you have provided.