Can Gt2 help other racing games

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United States
United States
Can playing GT2 help my skills in F-zero X? I noticed riding the wall was faster than using your brakes and making the turn properly, just like the Nintendo racer. maybe some gtbn members can help with this dilemna
It’s like asking if riding a giant bichir can help you with bull riding. Sure, if you ever plan to ride a bull in an aquarium. Personally, I train with medicated icy hot packed wrist weights so my fast twitch muscle fibers are simultaneously heating, cooling and growing. This is the best method for F-zero X training.
thanks for the unsound advice, but Ill wait for a more mature response from one of the experts. I have heard good reports on your suggestion though
maybe some gtbn members can help
You're about six years late for that.

And about three years late for GT Academy, though I don't know why you're asking GT2 and Nintendo questions in the GT Academy forum anyway.
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