F122 Title not able to connect online.F1 22 

  • Thread starter F1nutcase
United States
United States
Has everybody had no problem with this title connecting to their EA/Orgin account? I mentioned this in General Discussion but it pretty much got buried right away. I like the gameplay a lot but I know there are a lot of features disabled without the game being online. Seems like I've tried everything under the sun. Title keeps prompting me with a help link or a QR code. In both cases it asks me to change my pswrd. I've completed the process to success both ways but still nothing. Anybody else have a similar experience and able to resolve?
Has everybody had no problem with this title connecting to their EA/Orgin account? I mentioned this in General Discussion but it pretty much got buried right away. I like the gameplay a lot but I know there are a lot of features disabled without the game being online. Seems like I've tried everything under the sun. Title keeps prompting me with a help link or a QR code. In both cases it asks me to change my pswrd. I've completed the process to success both ways but still nothing. Anybody else have a similar experience and able to resolve?
Yeah I thought that was strange. I had to do that the first time I tried to play after downloading the game. But I did go through the password change process and it let me straight in. But also I think either the 2nd or 3rd time I tried to play it said something like it couldn't connect to online features or something like that. Canceled that and went ahead with a race. Once I got finished I noticed at some point it had reconnected.

But I didn't have to do anything like that for F1 2021.
I'm guessing it has something to do with Codemasters being owned by EA now. They want you online to access all the features.
I think EA owned Codemasters at the time F1 2021 came out.

I'm tracking the Forums at EA and the connection issue is a big sticking point. But to be fair, there are many problems people are having with this title to be sure.


EA/Codemasters delivered a broken product at full price. Pretty sad and fairly par for the course with these guys. If you are unaffected, congratulations, I am indeed jealous I cannot get much out of this game.