Group B Rally - Campaign

  • Thread starter NinjaBraap
United States
Long Beach, CA
Going through the campaign, haven't had any issues. Have a G29 with Shifter and Pedals, Racing Cockpit. Makes for good practice at home.

Was lapping the painfully slow AI, easy gold on everything, all going smooth for completing the campaign. Then I get to group B rally, and it was so bad I went and finished out the rest of the Amateur series and came back to it. It's so terrible, handling is absolute trash. I bought 3 different cars to see if I can improve anything, messed with every setting I could.

Managed to win every one except the last one, spent hours on the Colorado Springs race. I managed to get to the last lap in 1st, only to once again spin out unexpectedly. I only managed to get to that point using the EVO group B car, max power, lowest weight, no traction control. It'll be going smoothly and predictably and then all of a sudden its like there's a hit box for the side of the track out in the middle of a corner, and spin out. Noticed this on one of the road race courses passing one car on the outside in a straight, was going fine, plenty of room and suddenly spinning uncontrollably out.

What am I missing about the Group B Rally races? Any suggestions for tuning? I've ridden dirt bikes, but I'm use to road racing motorcycles, so maybe it's just me. I've looked at other forums seeing if there's any tips, and I've seen others complaining about how terrible the physics are on the rally courses in GT Sport.
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Track familiarity will help, so that you can anticipate how to slide around curves. You should understand how to slide or even drift the car , to makes turns efficient and as fast as possible. You can do it.
Track familiarity will help, so that you can anticipate how to slide around curves. You should understand how to slide or even drift the car , to makes turns efficient and as fast as possible. You can do it.
Got pretty familiar with the track, and was in 1st and mid corner it was like a hit box was way out in the middle of nowhere, so it was like I hit something that wasn't even there that caused me to spin out.

I'm doing the pro series now, and noticed that even when I'm not pushing, and being extremely consistent my car will just spin out for no reason still randomly. I'll be in first, on the last lap of a race with 5-15 seconds in front of P2, and it's usually on an easy corner or even just powering onto a straight my car will just spin out with no chance of recovery. I'm usually driving a RWD car, and I'm pretty good about recovering from a skid (turning into the skid, letting of power and letting the car straighten out before smoothly applying power) but in the pro series it's almost like the physics are completely different, even in cars I'm familiar with on tracks I'm familiar with. Idk if my gear needs calibrated or adjust somehow maybe? I know some people upgrade the springs in the pedals for a better feel and consistent rate.

Plus, the AI is terrible in the pro series, and will just straight up ram into me, which it didn't before. I've been on straights, maintaining a perfectly straight line, and all of a sudden the AI will just veer right into me. Usually I recover but sometimes it sends me careening out of control. I thought GT was supposed to be a realistic simulation. If people did that at the track in real life they'd be black flagged and DQ'd, why is AI doing that? In the online races people do that all the time and you just learn to put up with it or get out around them as fast as possible, but it's weird having AI do it.