New PS5 Slim fans get really loud whenever I enter GT cafe > Menu Books

  • Thread starter digitalic
The PS4Pro is known to be powered by a jet-engine.
The PS5slim, according to some articles I just read because of this thread, doesnt beat it but it surely beats an ordinary/fat PS5.
Its only on those menus in gt7 it does it...or in photo mode with lots of smoke...:)
I’ve read quite a few posts and reviews since launch of people commenting and complaining about the PS5 slim fan noise. This appears to be common and normal. Seems like it needs to run faster and work harder to keep things cool during loading and intense usage situations and gets loud, unlike the original PS5 design where you can only hear the fan if you put your ear right up to the console, you got one of those early ones where the sticker came loose and is touching fan blades or you really need to clean your console.
I say return it if you can and get the original full size version if it really bothers you. Or get used to a loud fan.

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