[PS4]WTCC Bmw 320TC one-make serie *Fietsmeener/crossynl is the Champion!!! Thanks to all drivers!Finished 

  • Thread starter azidahaka
This race was total carnage. Good thing PCARS damage is lenient, we could have had a 100% rate of DNFs from what I could read! I for one sure had a total mess, crashed twice, spun twice, got 3 off-track penalties... all in just 1 hour!

Not having speed is one thing, if you don´t put in much setup time you can´t expect miracles, but being all over the place was depressing! Yesterday I managed a handful of mid-high 29s with a full fuel tank in a FP track, today I couldn´t qualify any faster with an empty fuel tank, when it should be a second or so! :lol: Then comes the race and instead of mixing high 29´s and low 30´s I mess up badly every 4 laps :grumpy:

Anyway, I´m really glad to have raced in this! It was cool racing again after so long, driving pointlessly in Assetto Corsa only goes so far... So thanks to Karsten for organizing and all the drivers involved :cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers:
This race was total carnage. Good thing PCARS damage is lenient, we could have had a 100% rate of DNFs from what I could read! I for one sure had a total mess, crashed twice, spun twice, got 3 off-track penalties... all in just 1 hour!

Not having speed is one thing, if you don´t put in much setup time you can´t expect miracles, but being all over the place was depressing! Yesterday I managed a handful of mid-high 29s with a full fuel tank in a FP track, today I couldn´t qualify any faster with an empty fuel tank, when it should be a second or so! :lol: Then comes the race and instead of mixing high 29´s and low 30´s I mess up badly every 4 laps :grumpy:

Anyway, I´m really glad to have raced in this! It was cool racing again after so long, driving pointlessly in Assetto Corsa only goes so far... So thanks to Karsten for organizing and all the drivers involved :cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers:

You could have won the race ;)
The Serie's closed!

A big thank to all those that participated in it, it was great ride from start to end; we had great races all the weeks. People joined up and kept up for most of the season, even those that were off pace or in the back like our good sifupooh and @McTrucker .

The ruleset was a big success in my opinion; i made it with the purpouse of giving plenty of close racing and a good chance for all to shine and have a good race. The reverse grid was well executed on most of the races, and most of the drivers managed very well, another moderate success as it made the results a bit more exciting and gave some surprising results and race-long battles.

We had a record of 10 different drivers being on podium in this season, and i guess that may considered a big success since it gave at 10 out of 14 entries a good smile.

We also managed to keep a decently sized grid for most of the time, and on PCars nowadays is another good result... After all the support from SMS is dropped and landmines are not actually enticing :D And assetto Corsa dropped too :D

Not sure about the "Special Round" what do you guys think about it? Was it a fitting end or would a normal 3 races round would have been a better finish?

The results and Overview


@Crossynl IS the CHAMPION
Not much to say beside that since he joined on Round 2 he mopped the floor with all the other driver's on the grid, and i presume he got bored a lot by the lack of opponents to his dominion :D

@Friday_GTRP is the runner up
Would have 100% brought the title home if Fiets didn't join up :D

@azidahaka finished on the last Podium step, a probably undeserved and surprising finish that if @bajny @dyr_gl didn't had had issues/skipped rounds would have never materialized.

@bajny had an outstanding season and missed the third place by a nothing

@Dbkung had his season result a bit compromised by a couple of bad rounds, but was going strong overall

@Webschumi never lived up to his usual speed and pace, what happened will always be shroud in mistery :D

@dyr_gl would have been fighting for second place if he didn't miss so many rounds.

@bluetusk proved that finishing is always the way to go. Ended in 8th place in the standings trying to be always there on track

Random Thoughts

Doing better is always possible, but the game is posing us some serious limits on what we can do to make things closer and more exciting...

I do not think forcing default setups may have improved things since it's incredibly buggy, and on some cars the default setup is dreadful :D

We had a good share of aliens/impossibly fast guys. Well on good old GT6 weight/hp reductions were made possible and made possible closer races even between different skills and kept the paces closer and pack together.

Here we can't police or check air restrictor settings and have no ballast so reverse grid was the only way to. Sadly it didn't prove much useful for the slowest in pace would be in the front slowing down the midfielders and allowing the usual suspects to cruise throught the field in a blink...

Wrapping up

I would love to hear from you guys what did and what didn't work in your opinion, and what changes you think would have made things better.

Were points attribution ok?
Were the track well assorted?
Did you like racing with no assists?
Was the Race 3 reverse grid a good idea/properly executed?
What about the Special round?
What changes would you have made?
There were policy/rules/on track or off track behaviour problems?
Should we rid of Drop Scores? Or keep it?
Are pole points a good idea or should they go?
What about the superpole in race 2 and Fastest laps?

Speak up your mind.

The future

As of now i have no plans for a new serie, i would like to move to AC, but in its current state it's impossible to race a serie on it. This serie on PCars has drained myself a bit to be honest so i may get a bit of a pause for a some weeks.

Organizing, training, putting points together, making up with driver's issues and crashes, landmines, is a bit tiring :D

I'll be thinking about what may come next, this car is really a joy and i'm not discarding the idea of using it again; the options are endless, but time and most of all grid size are what will make or kill anything.

Getting closer to a full grid is a must. the target should be to have around 14 on track each week, and a proper team championship to go along.

I'm eager to hear from you all guys.

I keep thanking you guys for such an amazing season with a driving level and fair play on most it that we didn't even require stewarding.

You could have won the race ;)

Crashing all the time and a second per lap off your pace? Would have been unfair like hell.

All I did better than you with this car was starting haha!

I would love to hear from you guys what did and what didn't work in your opinion, and what changes you think would have made things better.

Were points attribution ok?
Were the track well assorted?
Did you like racing with no assists?
Was the Race 3 reverse grid a good idea/properly executed?
What about the Special round?
What changes would you have made?
There were policy/rules/on track or off track behaviour problems?
Should we rid of Drop Scores? Or keep it?
Are pole points a good idea or should they go?
What about the superpole in race 2 and Fastest laps?


Speak up your mind.
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Crashing all the time and a second per lap off your pace? Would have been unfair like hell.

All I did better than you with this car was starting haha!

I crashed again after the first pitstops so I had to stop again. After that stop I was in second place behind you with a 13 sec gap. But then you made a mistake, so at that point I could catch up easy.
Thanks Karsten for a good season. I think it was a good mix of tracks and the special event was eventuellt a better idea in my opinion. Maybe only two race per track but a little bit longer? 30 min and reversed grid? Maybe a gt4 season or something?
Problem with 30 minutes races it's that it negates any chance for different results after reverse grid...

I mean after lap 2 fiets was already first lol...

If we get enough people I may consider a new season, else I guess I'll. Focus on other things for a bit and wait for private rooms on assetto corsa...

Gt4s are a lot of fun we already had a season back then.

But they have huge performance differences... We may use this differences as a way to make the grid closer assigning slower cars to the fastest guys.

But would drivers accept driving an assigned cast instead of their favorite one?
I crashed again after the first pitstops so I had to stop again. After that stop I was in second place behind you with a 13 sec gap. But then you made a mistake, so at that point I could catch up easy.

A mistake... not exactly, more like half a dozen :D It´s funny because if anyone had cruised around in the 31´s without doing anything stupid the race would have been his!

If we get enough people I may consider a new season, else I guess I'll. Focus on other things for a bit and wait for private rooms on assetto corsa...

I´ve been loving the game, it´s the one I play the most between the 3 I have, but it´s far from playable and I bet it won´t be anytime soon 👎 Can´t wait for it to work properly though, jumping around from game to game makes me feel lost in all of them!
Were points attribution ok?
Yeah, great format

Were the track well assorted?
I do think so

Did you like racing with no assists?
Yup, is there any other way ? ;)

Was the Race 3 reverse grid a good idea/properly executed?
Good idea, needs practice

What about the Special round?
Great idea

What changes would you have made?
More races

There were policy/rules/on track or off track behaviour problems?
I think we had some good discussions about that

Should we rid of Drop Scores? Or keep it?
Keep it

Are pole points a good idea or should they go?
Better to let them go

What about the superpole in race 2 and Fastest laps?
Superpole is interesting

Thanks for organising the series, hope you will to this again in the near future.
Maybe 7 or 8 rounds and 2 specials ?
Thanks for your feedback.

No words about
Gt4s are a lot of fun we already had a season back then.

But they have huge performance differences... We may use this differences as a way to make the grid closer assigning slower cars to the fastest guys.

But would drivers accept driving an assigned cast instead of their favorite one?
About that last bit I like the idea of using a class with different cars to bring the pack closer. We´re already running a format that is not super serious and tries to prioritize fun with things like reverse grids, so why not? I support the idea 👍

I would prefer it to be a different class, something more exciting, maybe LMP1? GT and TC are sort of the same and they aren´t exactly exciting. Then again they make for good racing, that´s for sure. I would race anything though, not picky with that.

My favourite car is the Formula Renault, then again it´s DLC and having just raced a league with a DLC car I didn´t own I can see why people would not fancy the idea...
About that last bit I like the idea of using a class with different cars to bring the pack closer. We´re already running a format that is not super serious and tries to prioritize fun with things like reverse grids, so why not? I support the idea 👍

I would prefer it to be a different class, something more exciting, maybe LMP1? GT and TC are sort of the same and they aren´t exactly exciting. Then again they make for good racing, that´s for sure. I would race anything though, not picky with that.

My favourite car is the Formula Renault, then again it´s DLC and having just raced a league with a DLC car I didn´t own I can see why people would not fancy the idea...

I was more thinking about gt4 only cars since they have a difference of up to 2.5 seconds amongst faster and slower ones like the gt86 compared to ginettas on any 2 minutes tracks...

going by memory the cars speed goes like:

Aston hybrid

and have quite substantial gaps between car to car...

We’re pleased to announce that private lobbies are being worked on behind the scenes, and Kunos are working flat out to bring them to Assetto Corsa! Right now, we can’t give you a release date, but they are coming and we will of course update you all with more info as soon as we can. These things take time, so please remain patient with us and continue to support us as you’ve always done – It makes all the difference, trust us!

Same words spent in the official forum in the last 2 months...
I can understand what you want to acomplish with the different cars, i'm more a one make kind of guy.
Take a look at the GTP WRS GT500 format where they choose 3 fairly comparable cars for 3 different circuits on a race night.

As for AC i'm with you that private rooms are a must, as for now i don't own the game. And i'm not sure what sim will be my pick for 2017 with PCars2 and GTSport on the horizon.
Since the new first Porsche pack is added to Assetto Corsa, which is totally awesome btw, there are lobbies with the Cayman GT4 Clubsport on Spa and Vallelunga. Those lobbies, which are not private, are quiet nice. There are still almost only clean and fast drivers around! So guys give it a try, because it is very good and fun racing especially on Spa!
Since the new first Porsche pack is added to Assetto Corsa, which is totally awesome btw, there are lobbies with the Cayman GT4 Clubsport on Spa and Vallelunga. Those lobbies, which are not private, are quiet nice. There are still almost only clean and fast drivers around! So guys give it a try, because it is very good and fun racing especially on Spa!
Been racing and hotlapping in the last two days and it's really a great platform to race with if they give use the private lobbies...

Never had a race without being crashed out first turn but after it I found most of the people to drive okish