Quickest way to Level Up in B-Spec

  • Thread starter ahartfield
United States
Hello All... I apologize if this has been asked & answered already. But, I am looking for what would be the quickest way to Level up in B-Spec. Any specific races yield more Exp Points. I am currently level 40 in A-Spec, but only a level 38 in B-Spec and I would like to complete the last race in B-Spec - the 24-hrs at the Ring, but need to level my B-Spec up to 40. Any suggestions?

To date, the most Exp Points, I see being earned is the B-Spec Series 2 Race in the Seasonals - 2-laps around the Ring. But, that only yields 163,350 (150%) Exp Points. To reach Level 40, I would need to grind out approx. 70 more of these races.... There has got to be a better way???

I have seen the trick to make my B-Spec Drivers available on-line for my friends to use. But, the problem is that I don't have any friends within GT5/PS3. So, that really isn't viable.

Any help would be greatly appreciated so I can finally complete GT5 and move onto GT6.

So what levels are your Bobs?

And I'm not sure if your B-Spec level (38) would go up any faster if you lend your Bobs out. I don't know for sure, but I would have thought that your level is based on the events you enter and place well, even if you borrow other people's Bobs.

My strategy in B-Spec was to work my way up the events, golding along the way, and then use my Bobs to run cars in for me and earn me credits. I've only been at it since mid-November '13, and I have four level 40 Bobs, and two at level 39.

If you think you need a level 40 Bob, I have one in shared mode, although never been used.

One race I did often was the Like the Wind or similar title. The Indy Oval, using anything really fast. That brought money and exp points in quickly, since it is an ultra fast track. Red Bull cars are great although Bobs have trouble avoiding other cars. Even at level 40.