S10 cleared!

  • Thread starter Libre
I finally silvered on the S10 and got my ... platinum license? ... or whatever - but anyway I finally did it.
Overall time of 10:21.918.
Not sure if that's good relative to others, but seemed seemed smokin to me.
I did it in a Ford GT LM.

What a great rush it was to finally see the lead in front of me and to at least get 2nd. I had a shortcut penalty in the race too - I felt unfairly asessed - but I was able to hang on, coast through it and maintain my position.
Wasn't able to repeat tonite but, I feel pretty satisfied for one day.
I was hoping to break 2 minutes on a lap, but the best I did was like 2:01.???

Now I can get the Fararri F1 - once I get the 2 mil!
Thank you LinPark!
It's amazing what a feeling of accomplishment it is.
Almost like I really did something important - I cleared the S10!
Good job !!!

Thank you LinPark!
It's amazing what a feeling of accomplishment it is.
Almost like I really did something important - I cleared the S10!

Completely agree - if you search hard enough you might find a thread by me ranting and raving about how impossible S-10 is (S-7 also killed me). Alot of folks cleared it before the Spec updates came along and I think this one actually got alot harder after SpecIII. I can't remember exactly but I think it took me at least a week of consistent trying to clear this one race and my guess is I wasn't using our racing guidelines when I finally did clear it if you know what I mean. Maybe I'll go back and try it out tonight. :lol: CONGRATS again!
Yeah, S-7 was also a killer but somehow I got lucky and cleared it after a mere 1 or 2 nites of trying. But S-10 had me tied up for about a week.
Just because the Suzuka track is so much trickier than the Fuji.
Am i remembering correctly that S-7 is Fuji?
But regardless, the S-10 event, with those loonnnnng laps - (and 5 of them) - takes absolute precision and concentration.
Wifey could not understand why I got a trifle miffed when she came into the room and lightly tapped me on the shoulder (putting me into a wall) - when I was running 6th in the 3rd lap.
What a great, wonderful, experience it is to play this game.
Those were killers indeed.
I gave up on them at some stage, then got hooked on EYS1 back then and other TTs (because I joined this great forum :)). After a while I just looked back into them and cleared them, how can I put it? Easily might be saying too much but this typical "what was the damn problem" did cross my mind somehow :lol:!
Lin, I wonder if you experience the same mate?

Edit: Oh yeah, big congrats to Libre from me of course as well! Well done! :cheers:
Well I finally did it too, Gold no less, was a great feeling, was a ashame a I cheated and used Standard physic's.....

Now I have to go and actually do it properly.


Well I finally did it too, Gold no less, was a great feeling, was a ashame a I cheated and used Standard physic's.....

Now I have to go and actually do it properly.



I feel the same way. I've been playing std fiz since I started. I tried pro fiz but I couldn't handle the car. So I went back to std. Now I figure I have to learn how to drive with the pro fiz - so I just went to S-4 (pp700 Daytona Road Course) because I just think that's a pretty good course to learn Pro Physics on - and I've been getting slaughtered (after winning Gold with ease 3 times with standard physics). But I think I'm about to get the hang of it. I'm driving a California.
Let me know how you make out Bevo.

major progress - after being last about 15 times, I just finished 15th.
Standard physics is going to seem like a joke after this.



Now that I'm getting the hang of it, I realize that there are things you can make the car do with pro physics that can't be done with standard - like really control the rear end with the throttle. Of course, every mistake is magnified tremendously with pro physics - which is as it should be.
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Yeah the S-10 and the F40 challenge are the only too that I have reverted to standard physic for. Makes me feel all dirty....hehe
that f430 challenge was killing me...i switched to standard and did a bit better, but i didnt clear it until i decided to change the abs settings and switch back to pro..lol go figure.
playing SpecIII on pro physics you only stand a chance of winning if the grid is set up in your favour. Basically if the Corvette is any higher than 4th or 3rd quit out and re-load otherwise you cannot win.

If the the Corvette is P1 or P2 on the grid it will do all 5 laps in around 10'13" which is impossible for you to achieve. After a week and a half of trying i finally realised this and won last night in the tuned Amuse S2000 with a time of 10'24", 2nd place was a second behind :dopey:

If GT5 has better physics than GT5P as reports have been then we are in for a real treat as the GT5P with pro physics handles great with a fanatec wheel :)
Congratulations, I know how you feel, and the F1 is unreal. My next challenge is learning to control the Form GT LM, I like the car and I am finally making progress with it.

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