Secret Black Cars in Dealeships

  • Thread starter Castrol96
I don't have enough money in that save to buy them, but I have bought the black cars before, with this method, and they are all 0 miles when you buy them, it's the only way I know to get them at 0 miles.
Hmmmmm ok ... so you had the codes to get the cars into the dealership, but not any of the money credit codes via the same platform that are posted all over the internet to get the cars...:rolleyes: anyone else up for the challenge ? :banghead: Imho... no mileage special blacks can be done as the cars are unchangable in that regard deep inside the programming.
All new cars, regardless of whether they're there originally or cheated in, come with 0 miles. The black racecars are just a different paint colour on the same base car, just like the pink 2CV, blue Subaru 360, and so on, they have no special properties.

The Used Car list is the only thing that can specify non-zero mileage for a car. As far as I'm aware the colours, mileages and prices in it are hardcoded, PD just added so many cars that it looks like they're randomised.
Wrong...! The Special Blacks are hard coded with the mileage... even with code breaker type programs... period. All these claims with no proof shown ...... pleeeeeeeease spare me these here say knowledge type of posts ! So, here's the call out.... If you have real "legit proof" to show, then do it already, or forever hold your peace ! A simple quick video showing the car on your TV, with the TV showing, with the car spinning in your garage, with the mileage showing will be the ticket... SIMPLE-Go big or go home...:banghead:
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Surely if you're claiming that these particular paint colours somehow have a mileage attached to them, unlike any other paint colour in the game, then the burden of proof is on you?

I'm not sure what videos would prove either way, if you're already using codes to buy the cars brand new in those colours you could just as easily buy them used and reset the mileage to zero. It's trivial to set any garage car's mileage to any value.

Long story short, there's nothing special about those paint colours, new cars come with zero miles and free choice of paint, used cars come with a hardcoded mileage and paint colour.
Good luck trying to turn the tables on me for proof...:rolleyes: 👎. Even a Pelican Codebreaker disk or any other cheat code disk when used will give you the blacks with the mileage on them just as if you purchased them from the used lots on day 694. Do you really think that the forum members are buying these song and dance routines with claimed here say evidence ? After almost 15 years don' t you think it's odd that no one can or has ever posted a legit proof of any no mileage special black ? Wouldn't it make sense that someone would get mad by now if it were true and prove me wrong with a viable provable post...:nervous:. Give me a break...:banghead:, cause I'm not gonna respond any further to any "here say claims" cause it's simply not the bottom line truth and not worth one more second of my time...:P
I just now checked the black cars in the used car lots on 2 cycles of 700 days (day 3494-3500 and day 4194-4200, as that's where my 100% save is a right now, obviously I cheated to skip the days), and indeed they have the same mileage and price each time, so it's very likely that PD gave each used car a mileage. Probably at random, because that sounds like a massive pain. And a the 701th day, the list repeats from zero, just like it's been since GT1.

(PAL GT4 in French)


In GT2, used cars lots only read 3 sets of data: car model, price, color. GT4 most likely added mileage to that list from what I determined above.

In any case, Black race cars are not unique models. They're only secondary paint jobs, just like any other special colored car, so if you were to buy them new, they'd be at 0mi/km. You can check that they indeed are not unique models, but secondary color by doing the color trick in Arcade mode. So if you were to find a way to buy any of the cars in their secondary colors, they'd be at 0mi/km.

Also contrary to many other people on this website, pez2k is a professional programmer that's been bringing leaps and bounds in terms of modding for Gran Turismo 2, and data mining, so he has a lot more credibility than you think he has. And in a lesser amount, so do I. So be a little more respectful of whom you're talking to please, because you never know who you're talking to.

Edit: I recorded proof of the fact that black cars are only a hidden paint on each car. People already have posted youtube videos of these, but I had to record mine to make sure.
So here's the Arcade color trick.

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same ol same ol with pics of no real consequence... so one would think that such super professional programmers and knowledgeable GT'ers could easily provide some real scientific video proof as requested over and over again, which by the way no one conveniently seems to have or be able to accomplish so far... so until then I stand firm until corrected which I seriously doubt will happen. Good luck, cause actually I'd really love to have some no mileage special blacks in my garage, cause even the Pelican Codebreaker professional programmers couldn't accomplish that. But hey, what do they know right...

EDIT ADDED... Saw the video above and I know how to get the cars simply into the dealership as I've mentioned many times before here, but I can't see the mileage in the video... Now if ya wanna get fancy here's a completely fake photo I just did in 5 minutes. Not the best cause I didn't even try hard... now notice the fake mileage I did...that's why I want to see a video of a special black in this same garage spot where I did this photo with the car actually spinning and also showing your TV clearly... i.e just like my photo except a video thereof... I can't make myself more clear... a video would be much harder to fake (although I could do it), much more believable, and straight up proof. I'd bet there are several others for sure eating popcorn watching this thread that certainly would love to see that video... ? This is not about winning or loosing like a brain boxing match, just about helpful facts for myself and other interested parties that lurk.

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Okay, so I re-read the thread from the beginning, and tried @Reameb 's code. It works. It's for NTSC-USA GT4, and can be used right away on PCSX2.

Here's video proof, and if you still want me to record my computer screen, on which i'm playing on emulator, this same footage again, I can do it, but I'd rather not sacrifice video quality.
I hope this is enough proof for you that we know what we're talking about.
Can't believe I had to go this far just to prove it.

Note: I started a fresh save on which I hacked money in, as you can see.

On a lighter note, I'm glad I read this thread from the beginning, this code's pretty cool! Dunno if I can port it to PAL though. Converting codes from region to region has ever been my forte.
Finally and I stand corrected !!! Heck, it's about time someone proved me wrong and came forward with the proof after all these years, but it seems it was the only way to get the deal done with straight up talk. VERY Nice job indeed ! Now the question is for the PCSX2 it goes down no worries and I get that. How about for the PS2 Console ?

Those codes....
Enable Code 9058EF88 0C1691C9
All Cars purchasable & all Colors Available
201639F8 24100000 204489A4 24020000
...seem to be for what disk platform... Codebreaker-Gameshark-Armax or ?

I get the black screen entering them via the PS2 with a Codebreaker disk ... Again I appreciate all your quick work in get'n 'er done :bowdown: cause see, I'm really not a bad guy after all lol !
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I will admit that what irked me was the fact that you wouldn't consider what we showed you ^^'
Now you should thank Reameb for posting his codes, cause otherwise I wouldn't have been able to finally please you lmao.
In fact, up until I finally read the full thread, I didn't even know someone had managed to load showroom cars with their additional colors. Otherwise i'd have directly started by testing his code. So my bad on that.

Anyways, with that out of the way, and tension leaving the room (thankfully), I have no idea how to make it for actual codebreaker and the like. PCSX2 uses Raw format if i'm right, but hopefully the converter you can find on this thread may help converting to your preferred format. (Specifically the converter)

As for the PS3... can it even run codebreaker DVDs? I've never owned one of these discs so I have no idea.

Edit: after further playing around, turns out this code also unlocks the colors for playing in arcade mode, as well as indeed letting you buy any car viewable in the showroom.
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Just watched @submaniac93 video on YouTube, thanks for documenting it on video tough!

I don't really remember where or how I got the code, i had those written on paper, anyway, as for @2_FAST_4_U those codes are in RAW format, which means they are not in codebreaker nor armax format, they are not encrypted, however you can convert them to those formats (and more) by using omniconvert, it's a small application to convert PS2 codes, there is also an application to convert to pnach and vice versa (pcsx2).

Now, to use them on a real ps2 you need a codebreaker disk or a soft modded ps2 (which i have) and run an application that loads cheats into the memory, then launch the game, there are ways to do it for OPL format games (playing with the game on the usb) or with a real disc, but both need a soft modded ps2 to work OR the codebreaker disk. Hope this helps, and thanks again for the video, submaniac93, so other people can watch it.
While using some cheat codes, i discovered the black cars appearing in the dealerships, using the code where all cars are priced the secret cars became available too, while selecting the racing version of the car you will see another colour for it in black.




what kind of cheat engine do you used
I mean like
action replay

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