Tokyo's Wanderers - Season 2 - Part 2 - Ice Azurite's return

  • Thread starter KazaMR2
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Ice Azurite VS Ren opening post.png

Hey there! Welcome to my fan-fiction/story of wanderers on the highways of Japan. If you haven't already, I suggest you read season 1 before season 2. The story will follow along with some main characters, which throughout the story may change, and in this season we will be exiting the boundrys of just Tokyo! [Sort of straying from the title, but oh well! :lol:]

I hope you enjoy my story! Feel free to give me positive feedback too, I'm always open to tips on how to improve my writing. :cheers:

Character files - More will be added over the flow of the story

Death driver
Actual name: Keiichi Oda
Age: 31
Nationality: Japanese
Bio: Not much is known about the Death driver, all most racers on the C1 just stay away from his car as its rumoured to be possessed by Death himself!
Car: S15 '02 HP: estimated 350bhp KG: estimated under 1200kg
Job: Actor
Location: C1 area but never around unless its 2-4 AM.
Licence plate: Not shown
TXR motto: Fear appears from its inner side.

Rita Oda
Actual name: ^
Age: 29
Nationality: Japanese
Bio: Rita has been with Keiichi for about 4 years, them getting married so soon is quite obscure but back then they really loved each other. Now that speaks for its self...
Car: None
Job: Housewife (Doesn't really count but hey ho)

Silver Shadow
Actual name: Hiro Kawasaki
Age: 25
Nationality: Japanese
Bio: A more than amateur racer that has been on the C1 for 5 years now, he got the handle 'Silver shadow' from his colour of his car and shadow part is from how he only rarely battles, about 50/50 percent of him duelling. As he prefers to be the 3rd person watching the other battles.
Car: 3000GT
Job: Clothes shop owner

Master Position
Actual name: Hiromi Onoda
Age: 23
Nationality: Japanese
Bio: A Casanova, who after a diner with a date races another exotic car to show off to his passenger.
Car: Chevrolet Corvette C4 HP: estimated 440hp KG: Estimated 1200kg
Job: Scout (its not specified on TXR3 just says 'Scout'... is he from TF2?!) - I'm guessing he is a scout for a host club now I think about it...
TXR3 motto: Winner takes everything.

Actual name: Kanon Yamamoto
Age: 20
Nationality: Japanese
Bio: A young woman who likes to race sometimes at Hakone, she works in the Galant Star. She has a scar under her cheek that people usually question, but they never get an answer back.
Car: Pontiac Firebird 78' HP: estimated 300hp KG: Estimated 1100kg
Job: Bar assistant

Bloody Mary
Actual name: Miki Tsuyuki
Age: 25
Nationality: Japanese
Bio: A Star of Japanese TV, this Idol is in high demand for movies and commercials, she only drives on Wednesdays as its her only time off!
Car: Dodge Viper GTS Coupe HP: ??? KG: Estimated ???kg
Job: Idol
TXR3 motto: Fine line between groupies and stalkers.

Shutokou Leader
Actual name: Shinichi Kobayashi
Age: 41
Nationality: Japanese
Bio: There are never ending challenges to him, but he has declared that "he will not accept challenges from anyone unless they have a record that matches his own."
Car: MCR R34 GTR - HP: Estimated 616hp KG: Estimated 1250kg
Job: MCR Representative
TXR3 motto: The match from one.

Ice Azurite
Actual name: Setsuko Fukui
Age: 25
Nationality: Japanese
Bio: A newcomer to the highway, she is a honest young woman looking for more than just a job, partner and family. She strives for perfection in whatever activity she is doing, as in her job as a hostess she sometimes stalks her regulars to know what they like and really impress them. On her driving side she tries her best but still thinks she is not good enough. Her level on the highways is above average and if she keeps going she will achieve what she wants!
Car: Custom Mazda RX8 - HP: Estimated is unknown KG: 900-1000kg area
Job: Hostess
TXR3 motto (As she is an OC I will create one for her): Strive for perfection!

Legend of the bluff
Actual name: Ren Yoshikawa
Age: 19
Nationality: American
Bio: An American born driver who moved to Yokohama city in Kanagawa Prefecture to be close to his fathers side of the family. Received his first car at the age of 16 soon after he got his license and started to climb up the street racing ladder in his home state of California. His earnings from his previous years have allowed him to drop quite a bit of money into his garage, now that he has a good paying job at TRUST (known as Greddy in the USA), he is on a mission to race against the top tuners in Japan.
Car: Rocket bunny Nissan R35 GTR - HP: Estimated 1000hp KG: Estimated is unknown
Job: ???
TXR3 motto: Perfection is a never ending quest
Other: This character is zero4567's OC.

Actual name: Akira Kobayashi
Age: 33
Nationality: Japanese
Bio: The owner of the hostess club 'Desire', a very wealthy guy from an even wealthier family. He looks out for everyone around him, including himself. His main prize is his Miura SV '71, he cherishes it so much he never races too fast.
Car: Lamborghini Miura SV '71
Job: Owner of Desire

Actual name: Kouta Honda
Age: 24
Nationality: Japanese
Bio: The bouncer of club 'Desire', A well trained wrestler who wanted to go pro, but couldn't handle the heat of the crowd and backed out of his matches until he retired and became a bouncer.
Job: Bouncer


Actual name: Louis Gilman
Age: 32
Nationality: English
Bio from TXR0: Legendary driver, who's famous for his use of; power, brakes, and chassis. Not that many people know who he actually is.
Car: Custom ABFlug 930/911 - HP: Estimated is over 800bhp KG: 1200-1500kg area
Job: Unknown
TXR0 Extra info: Has the best tuning on the highest quality engine. The transmission is also tuned. The high boost is damaging the car, so he alway tries to finish a race in the least possible time.

Actual name: ^
Age: 27
Nationality: Japanese
Bio: Takahiro is an employee for RE-Amemiya, he is the guy who deals with orders mainly, and is the front desk guy, but he also knows his way around rotaries like the back of his hand...
Car: ???
Job: RE-Amemiya employee
Ice Azurite
Actual name: Setsuko Fukui
Age: 25
Nationality: Japanese
Bio: A newcomer to the highway, she is a honest young woman looking for more than just a job, partner and family. She strives for perfection in whatever activity she is doing, as in her job as a hostess she sometimes stalks her regulars to know what they like and really impress them. On her driving side she tries her best but still thinks she is not good enough. Her level on the highways is above average and if she keeps going she will achieve what she wants!
Car: Custom Mazda RX8 - HP: Estimated is unknown KG: 900-1000kg area
Job: Hostess
TXR3 motto (As she is an OC I will create one for her): Strive for perfection!

Legend of the bluff
Actual name: Ren Yoshikawa
Age: 19
Nationality: American
Bio: An American born driver who moved to Yokohama city in Kanagawa Prefecture to be close to his fathers side of the family. Received his first car at the age of 16 soon after he got his license and started to climb up the street racing ladder in his home state of California. His earnings from his previous years have allowed him to drop quite a bit of money into his garage, now that he has a good paying job at TRUST (known as Greddy in the USA), he is on a mission to race against the top tuners in Japan.
Car: Rocket bunny Nissan R35 GTR - HP: Estimated 1000hp KG: Estimated is unknown
Job: ???
TXR3 motto: Perfection is a never ending quest
Other: This character is zero4567's OC.

Shutokou Leader
Actual name: Shinichi Kobayashi
Age: 41
Nationality: Japanese
Bio: (I will add this next time I'm on TXR3 as I forgot to write it :dunce:)
Car: MCR R34 GTR - HP: Estimated 616hp KG: Estimated 1250kg
Job: MCR Representative
TXR3 motto: The match from one.

Actual name: ^
Age: 27
Nationality: Japanese
Bio: Takahiro is an employee for RE-Amemiya, he is the guy who deals with orders mainly, and is the front desk guy, but he also knows his way around rotaries like the back of his hand...
Car: ???
Job: RE-Amemiya employee

Blue Gourami
Actual name: Katsu Watanabe
Age: 30
Nationality: Japanese
Bio: Katsu is a test driver for VW performance, he has to push the cars to the limit and test how much potential they have. Currently he is testing a top secret new car on the C1. It seems he likes to mimic movements of his favorite pet fish… Some Three-spot Gouramis, otherwise known as a Blue Gouramis.
Car: Custom VW Vision Supersport HP: ??? KG: ???
Job: Test driver at VW performance
Motto: No-one can beat my cornering technique...

Here is a short-ish refresher for those returning from season 1...

Season 1
Chapter 1 - Death Driver: Death Driver is racing around the Wangan and C1 at late night, usually past midnight. One night he encounters a terrible crash, which renders him a new style of driving, a new persona even.

Chapter 2 - Master Position: Master Position starts off with letting his girlfriend, Annie, leave to Italy for her dream job. Then later on he goes back on his words of not being a casanova and meets a girl named Kanon, they have a race at Hakone, however Master Position thinks that Kanon looks alike to Annie leading them to go on a date…

Chapter 3 - Bloody Mary:
That leads onto Bloody Mary’s chapter, Master Position and Kanon are on their date when suddenly a Viper comes out to race, eventually shunting them and overtaking to win, then once they pull over at a parking area and have a talk, Bloody Mary leaves again to race others on the C1. She then finds her biggest nerdy fan (Straying Idol freak) and defeats him with ease, then she gets challenged by the mighty MCR R34 (Shutokou leader). Whilst on the next lap, a new wanderer appears!..

Chapter 4 - Ice Azurite: Ice Azurite comes in and splits up the battle with MCR & Bloody Mary, then overtaking MCR and getting a minor lead before stopping and talking to Shutokou leader on who she is. Then Ice Azurite continues her drive to the Wangan to race against Night Wolf, but in that race another wanderer joins in! Ren, ‘The Legend of the Bluf’ as his street name is, he joins the fray and destroys both cars by getting an astonishing lead.

Then Ice Azurite (Setsuko) arrives after her loss in Yokohama to the hostess club ‘Desire’, then a customer who hasn’t paid up in ages arrives and the club owner Akira gets Setsuko and Kouta (The bouncer) to help him get the money he owes. Shin tries to escape in his S2000, but when Setsuko and Akira in Akira’s Miura are chasing him, Ren re-appears, and helps them out by shunting the S2000, then Akira gets his money from Shin, and Setsuko gets a ride back to Desire with Ren whilst Akira is spending time with Shin… After a reunion talk with Ren as Setsuko and him had a past at a TRUST, she gets dropped off at Desire once again.

After this she leaves to take up her offer of seeing Shutokou leader in action in the MCR R35 for a C1 time attack, after witnessing a new best time on the C1, Setsuko goes to Wangan in her RX8 again, to encounter and lose to ABFlug 930.

Substory 1: Ice Azurite leaves to her house for a while before going to the C1 after having a nightmare in her house trying to get rest. She finds a 20B engine at RE Amemiya and gets it fitted to the RX8, making way more power, then after she races against Death Driver after her first encounter with him, figuring out his ways, before getting encouragement to win the battle with Ren at Wangan. After the Death Driver battle Setsuko goes back to her apartment before the big final battle with Ren.

Substory 2: Kanon picks a fight with some R32 gang around Hakone and tries to chase one of the friendlier looking members, but results in her spinning out and crashing. Word gets to Master Position of this too...

Continuation of Chapter 4: On arrival to Tatsumi PA, Setsuko asks for advice and meets Purple Meteor, a member of the Zodiac (An elite group of the Wangan) also helps her. When the battle commences Ren gets a huge lead, it seems that she won’t win, but after the second tunnel Ren blows his GTR’s engine and Setsuko flies off into the horizon, with her new aura shining like a star.


For any of you out there who would like to have a section in their story or mine crossed-over, PM me first to discuss it, if you want to use my characters you have to ask my permission first! Another addition is, they cannot be - Unless put on terms over PM; badly hurt or die, be put in an unfair race, or lose to someone way below the opponents skill level.
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Season 2 - Chapter 1 - The Blue Gourami

Part 1 - The Blue what now?

It has been over one month since Ice Azurite won The Legend of the Bluff on his journey to try and win over the Wangan to Yokohama line and be the highway dominator. However, Setsuko defeated Ren on his first official match to try and prove he is the best on the highway. But now that’s over there is word of a mighty comeback of Ren on the C1 loop this time…

C1 Inner loop - 10:00PM


A neon blue RE-Amemiya RX7 is seen flying down a long straight of the C1, just before entering a tunnel.

The driver turns out to be Ren, and is he doing with an RX7..?

Ren: Hmm… This FD is quite nice. Still, wish I had my GTR back from TRUST. It’s a shame they cut off my contract because of my stupid defeat. Goddamit, why’d I have to go strut my ego round like that, I had it coming to me in the end…


Takahiro: Hey Ren!

Ren: Aaaah! I forgot I had this mic in, yeah what’s up Takahiro?


Takahiro: Just letting you know the next lap is going to be your trial lap, if you get close or beat the lap time that Shutokou Leader set of 4'17"965 in that MCR R35, then this sponsor with RE-Amemiya might be yours.


Ren: Hear that! I might just get to keep this FD or something… Sweeeeet! Right on! I’ll try my best man!

With that, the final lap begins. Ren slams the accelerator to the ground, making the rotary scream all the way to 9,000 RPM.

Ren: Gheez… This thing is loud! Anyway, concentrate Ren dammit!

The RX7 storms through the tunnel, but on the other side, Ren snaps his focus yet again.



Ren: Hu-huh… A neon blue VW Golf? Hehe, same color as me… Is he a fan? Ahaha…


Said VW begins to move at light speed, straight after Ren drives past like a missile.


The Golf dives into the next corner, with a very precise movement which flings it closer to Ren.


Ren checks his mirror and sees the same Golf again. How the heck did it catch him so quickly?!

The racers continue to the TA finish line, the Golf is in Ren’s slipstream… Gaining on him with ease in the draft. Just after Ren passes the line, Takahiro makes contact again.

Takahiro: Not bad Ren… Not bad at all, a 4’29”404. Unfortunately that is out of the range that Mr. Amemiya was looking for as a sponsored driver, since that is the entire trial…

Ren: Mhm, hold on I’m rather busy, got a VW driver on my 6, I’ll just beat him and show how good RE-Amemiya is!

- OST start! -

Takahiro: Wait what! Hey! A race after the trial wasn’t the dea-

Ren takes out the microphone and throws it into the next seat with determination. Although, him and the Golf are at the end straight now...


Ren immediately brakes seeing the situation he’s in, this VW driver means business with a maneuver like that…

Ren: Ah… What the hell!


???: Hahaha! What a show, this guy won’t stand a chance against my cornering strategy… Time to show him who’s the true boss of C1! Not that Shinichi dude!


I’m Katsu Watanabe, VW performance’s top test pilot, now feel the wrath of the Blue Gourami!


Ren’s jaw drops, Blue Gourami pulls off an incredible move where it feels like he distorted time and space, the Golf was on the outer of the corner and just pulled inwards and back out like no-tomorrow.

Katsu: Take that! You won’t be able to see me after the next 2 turns!


Ren: The hell? That Golf driver has insane skills! I’ve never seen such speed in corners before…

Ren continues to follow Blue Gourami, but just as Katsu said to himself, he was out of Ren’s sight after the second corner.


The RX7 pulls over at the side of the road, Ren gets out and slams his arms against the barriers.

Ren: OW! I really should stop doing dumb things like that…

But seriously though… Who the heck is the Golf driver?!


To be continued!
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Part 2 - Ice Azurite's return

Yaesu PA 11:00PM

Ren drives back to the Yaesu PA on the C1, the central PA on said route. It’s quite full tonight, and the racers swing their heads around when Ren enters. The crowd recognise who it is, and it puts a dampener on the atmosphere…

Ren: Mmm… Not the best idea to pull in a hotspot PA since that “I’m the best, I own the Bayshore route” idea…

Then Ren finds a spot, a spot far from other cars and attention. He decides to dial up Setsuko, and see if she knows about the strange Golf driver…


Back over at club Desire in Yokohama, Setsuko is on her break in the backrooms of the place, she’s sat there lying down on a bright comfy looking sofa looking half awake and sunk into the warmth of such a relaxing couch.

Then her phone goes off…

Setsuko: Mmmph, goddamit… This is my break!

Fine, I’ll answer...


Ren: Ah! Hey Setsuko!

Setsuko: Eh? What the heck are you doing calling me?! Don’t you have a sponsorship to be earning?

Ren: Yeah, well that didn’t go so well… Anyway, have you seen a neon blue VW Golf with a mad bodykit on recently?

Setsuko: A strange VW Golf? Huh. No, not heard anything about that. Why, what’s up?

Ren: Eh… hehe. I just got defeated by it in the sponsor who I was going for’s car.

Setsuko: You got defeated, well it isn’t the first time haha…

Ren: Mmm… Shut up!.. Uh, sorry. I’m just really angered at not getting a new sponsorship...

Setsuko: I get your reason for calling though, you want me to try race this VW guy right?

Ren: Yes…

I’ll try get a long break soon, but I got to get back to my shift shortly.

Ren: Aha, saved by the same person who defeated me! Awesome! I’ll get to a good view-point of the C1. Message me when you’re about to battle him, ok?

Setsuko: Yep, I’ll be on the C1 soon. See ya!

Hmm, a blue VW Golf that’s defeated Ren…


C1 Inner - 3:00AM


Setsuko: I haven’t got long until I gotta get back to Yokohama, so where is this Blue Golf then Ren..?

Hmm, I see a perfect match there, time to start a battle then hehe.

Setsuko sends an SMS to Ren, alerting the battle.


Ren: It's starting, I can see Setsuko there... And there is the VW guy as well, heh, it's all going down!

Ice Azurite flashes her neon leds at Blue Gourami, he slows for a side by side start.

Katsu: A new rival? Ok let’s see my prey…


Both drivers turn to each other for the countdown, and Katsu looks in surprise as it’s her… The girl who shot down a GTR on the Wangan in rain.

Oooh, I know her! I’ll get extra street cred for winning this run heh.

Setsuko: Right, let’s move.

The race begins…


The VW easily gets the early lead from 4WD, seems Ice Azurite will really need to focus to keep up.

Setsuko: Gosh that’s quick! I best try my all!


She proceeds to late brake at the next corner, but still the RX8 can’t catch up throughout the next turns.




However, on the long straight of the C1, Setsuko gains some ground and nearly overtakes, but the braking point prevents it.

After 2 laps on the C1, seems both drivers want to get this over now - Blue Gourami’s aura begins to appear.


Setsuko: An aura?! I’ve not seen one so bright since I ran Ren!


Katsu: Hehe, now you’ll never catch me!


Ice Azurite shows her strength from behind with her aura active too, but it just isn’t enough to best this crazy VW concept…


As he continues to gain distance...




every corner.

Katsu: Bye bye Icy racer! Hehe!


Setsuko slowly brings herself to a stop on the straight, with the LEDs shining an awesome shade of neon blue.

Setsuko: Dammit! I can’t gain any ground, I’ll have to retire back to Desire for now. But that guy has got a lot of skill… Or it could be his car?

To be continued!


Writer notes -

A long delay for this part, mainly as I had a lot of real life stuff to do unfortunately. At least I finally got around to it now!

As for the next part, I have nothing planned as of yet too... So likely expect another long wait. :indiff:
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