B-Spec Nascar Championship: All Golds Tune Setup

  • Thread starter slayer91
Great setup, slayer91.

With your setup + schnopsnosn's setup for Daytona, i won all races easily in my first try! :-)

Thank You both.
Thanks Slayer. The setup brought my car to life, and the strategy was very well informed. I did find Schno's setup to be faster at Daytona, and I think the pace up button is the only command needed for that race.

Remember that oil change before you start, guys. My car was losing horsepower after the first couple of races because I didn't. I still won them all.
Another thing to help on Grand Valley. Set the ballast +50 to the Rear and add 35 kg of weight. Won't stop the car from trying to spin, but makes the car a lot more stable and helps Bob to keep from spinning out.

With the Pace Up for Straightaways and Pace Down for Curves and Ballast I had almost full tread on fronts and just under 1/2 tread left on the rear tires.

Make sure you set ballast back to +0 for the other races, and take the weight back off.

Won by 7.695 sec with these tricks.
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Awesome posts, thanks OP and schnopsnosn!

Finished in first place in every event with these tunes, first try.
Thank you so much was having trouble with the pack passing me on last lap but with your tuning and strategy, they were too far away to be a problem.
So far I'm Gold on all....I got through Indy on my own, but since then, I've used Slayers setups AND race guides for the rest and I've pwned them all. I'll try out both setups when I start Daytona in just a min...
When you're running both Indy and Daytona, turn you brakes to 0/0 cause then Bob wont brake going into the turns. The rest of the field will and while you're maintaining your speed through the turns, they decelerate, allowing your lead to grow exponentially.

I just started the circuit on Nascar B Spec and I just took Indy by nearly an entire lap. I could see the last car on the final straight on the last lap....

But don't forget to go get your oil changed again before you start to get back to 892hp...
Maybe this is a stupid question but how do I get my top speeds down that low my car only goes down to 240 and it only changes in increments of 10. Also I cant see any option to change idividual gears just top speed.

if i set my top speed to 236mph then the car tops out at about 140mph and i get destroyed what am I doing wrong??
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I just did the complete nascar event with my class 35 and this setup and golded everyting. But Daytona took until lap 12 or something before I got first place. I was down to 12th several times under the first 10 laps. I got the lead on Laguna Seca already on lap 2.

Laguna Seca first 2 laps
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My driver won everything easily except Daytona, where he placed 6th.

I used another tune to win the event.
This one:

Race 5: Daytona Oval
downforce 35/50
gears: 380 km/h
lsd: 60/60/15
ride height: 15/-15
springs: 18.5/18.5
dampers front: 8/4
dampers rear: 8/4
anti roll bars: 4/4
camber: 2.0/1.0
toe: default
brakes: 0/0

Won by 6 seconds with it.

thanks. this worked for me
I'm using these tunes now. My level 38 Bob won Indy by about 30 seconds. He owned it on Grand Valley, I didn't pay attention to how much he won by, but it was a lot. High Speed Ring I accidentally pitted on the 5th lap, but by the 12th he was back in first and ended up winning by 8 seconds. I'm now on Laguna Seca, going to see if Bob can win without any input
Another perfect run. I used this twice and gold both times. With a new car my hp was way down, so I did Indy first, changed the oil, did Daytona, it took two turns to win while my horsepower built up, then with a gold at Daytona, I did the series and stopped before doing Daytona again.
Great job.
I have to say both these set-ups got me to the front at Daytona (after golding the 1st 4 races), and i followed the technique that Slayer advised, but no matter what i did, my tires were shot by lap 18/19 and the pack ALWAYS caught me up and overtook me!!, everytime!!! How the hell are you guys making your tires last???!!! Am i missing something??? Have all aids off and set-ups followed to the letter. Any help would be welcome!!! Cheers
Thanks a lot for the nice guide! Worked excellent! Managed gold fine on track #1 myself both time.. But after the second straight 8th place on track #2 I looked at this guide. Three straight 1st place was the result of that. :) But yeah, the last one was on the edge! :D
Maybe this is a stupid question but how do I get my top speeds down that low my car only goes down to 240 and it only changes in increments of 10. Also I cant see any option to change idividual gears just top speed.

if i set my top speed to 236mph then the car tops out at about 140mph and i get destroyed what am I doing wrong??

It sounds like you have a version that gives you Km/h instead of M.p h. 380 Km/h = 236 M.p.h.
I know there's been quite a few of these posted, so here's another for those who can't find one that suits them or feel like experimenting.These are the tuning setups I used for the different tracks in the B-Spec NASCAR Championship. I started with a tune created by kebsM303 and tweaked it. This was done at level 24 with a level 24 driver. The car is a Joey Logano GameStop Toyota Camry with hard racing tires, the increased rigidity modification, an engine refresh, chassis refresh, and an oil change (892 HP).

Top Speed: 236mph

Ride Height Adjustment: -20 Front, -20 Rear
Spring Rate: 18.5 Front, 19.0 Rear
Damper Extension: 9 Front, 10 Rear
Damper Compression: 4 Front, 4 Rear
Anti-Roll Bars: 6 Front, 7 Rear

Wheel Alignment:
Camber: 0.0 Front, 0.0 Rear
Toe: .00 Front, .02 Rear
Brakes: 0 Front, 0 Rear

Initial Torque: 10
Acceleration Sensitivity: 60
Braking Sensitivity: 5

Downforce: 50 Front, 70 Rear

Strategy: Push, Push, Push. Simply use overtake for the first lap or so and you should have the lead near the end of the first or beginning of the second lap. From there, increase pace continuously for a few laps to build a lead so the other cars cannot draft you. Once you've built a good lead, increase pace once or twice every lap to maintain a large gap between you and the rest of the field.

Top Speed: 211mph

Ride Height Adjustment: -20 Front, -20 Rear
Spring Rate: 18.5 Front, 19.0 Rear
Damper Extension: 9 Front, 10 Rear
Damper Compression: 4 Front, 4 Rear
Anti-Roll Bars: 6 Front, 7 Rear

Wheel Alignment:
Camber: 0.0 Front 0.0 Rear
Toe: .00 Front, .02 Rear
Brakes: 5 Front, 3 Rear

Initial Torque: 10
Acceleration Sensitivity: 60
Braking Sensitivity: 5

Downforce: 50 Front, 70 Rear

Strategy: Run slow for most of the track to preserve your tires. Overtake only on the long straight away at the finish line and the straight across the bridge. Opponent’s cars will eventually spin out and your driver should take the lead late in the 6th lap. Once he has the lead you can pretty much leave him alone as the other cars will continue to spin out and shouldn’t catch him.

Top Speed: 236mph

Ride Height Adjustment: -20 Front, -20 Rear
Spring Rate: 18.5 Front, 19.0 Rear
Damper Extension: 9 Front, 10 Rear
Damper Compression: 4 Front, 4 Rear
Anti-Roll Bars: 6 Front, 7 Rear

Wheel Alignment:
Camber: 0.0 Front 0.0 Rear
Toe: .00 Front, .02 Rear
Brakes: 5 Front, 3 Rear

Initial Torque: 10
Acceleration Sensitivity: 60
Braking Sensitivity: 5

Downforce: 50 Front, 70 Rear

Strategy: Here, simply use over take for the entire track, except for the long straight where I recommend using increase pace. When you get the lead, use increase pace continuously for a lap or two to get a decent lead. Once you have a good lead, just increase pace once or twice per lap to maintain it.

Top Speed: 211mph

Ride Height Adjustment: -20 Front, -20 Rear
Spring Rate: 18.5 Front, 19.0 Rear
Damper Extension: 9 Front, 10 Rear
Damper Compression: 4 Front, 4 Rear
Anti-Roll Bars: 6 Front, 7 Rear

Wheel Alignment:
Camber: 0.0 Front, 0.0 Rear
Toe: .00 Front, .02 Rear
Brakes: 5 Front, 3 Rear

Initial Torque: 10
Acceleration Sensitivity: 60
Braking Sensitivity: 5

Downforce: 50 Front, 70 Rear

Strategy: You can use overtake for most of the first half of the track. The places I recommend you slow down are the 1st turn (hairpin)and after the corkscrew until the long straight. Those seem to be places most prone to spinning. Use increase pace for the long straight, and overtake from the hairpin until the corkscrew. You should get the lead around lap 6 or 7. After that, give him an increase pace on the straight stretch of each lap to maintain your lead, and slow him down or maintain pace to save tires for the rest of the track.

Top Speed: 236mph

Ride Height Adjustment: 0 Front, -15 Rear
Spring Rate: 18.5 Front, 19.0 Rear
Damper Extension: 9 Front, 10 Rear
Damper Compression: 4 Front, 4 Rear
Anti-Roll Bars: 6 Front, 7 Rear

Wheel Alignment:
Camber: 0.0 Front, 0.0 Rear
Toe: .00 Front, .02 Rear
Brakes: 0 Front, 0 Rear

Initial Torque: 10
Acceleration Sensitivity: 60
Braking Sensitivity: 5

Downforce: 50 Front, 70 Rear

Strategy: This seems to be the one everyone has trouble with. I got it on the first try with this setup. Basically the same as Indianapolis. Use overtake until you have the lead. You should have the lead by lap 3 or 4. Once you do, continuously use increase pace to build and maintain a lead so the other cars cannot draft you. You must do this continuously until the end of the race to win.

Hope this helps anyone who may be stuck :grumpy:, bored :indiff: or both.

This setup is amazing, along with the strategy tips, those are key!

No close races at all, I even got to first most of the time before the OP said I would, thanks for your help!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know there's been quite a few of these posted, so here's another for those who can't find one that suits them or feel like experimenting.These are the tuning setups I used for the different tracks in the B-Spec NASCAR Championship. I started with a tune created by kebsM303 and tweaked it. This was done at level 24 with a level 24 driver. The car is a Joey Logano GameStop Toyota Camry with hard racing tires, the increased rigidity modification, an engine refresh, chassis refresh, and an oil change (892 HP).

Top Speed: 236mph

Ride Height Adjustment: -20 Front, -20 Rear
Spring Rate: 18.5 Front, 19.0 Rear
Damper Extension: 9 Front, 10 Rear
Damper Compression: 4 Front, 4 Rear
Anti-Roll Bars: 6 Front, 7 Rear

Wheel Alignment:
Camber: 0.0 Front, 0.0 Rear
Toe: .00 Front, .02 Rear
Brakes: 0 Front, 0 Rear

Initial Torque: 10
Acceleration Sensitivity: 60
Braking Sensitivity: 5

Downforce: 50 Front, 70 Rear

Strategy: Push, Push, Push. Simply use overtake for the first lap or so and you should have the lead near the end of the first or beginning of the second lap. From there, increase pace continuously for a few laps to build a lead so the other cars cannot draft you. Once you've built a good lead, increase pace once or twice every lap to maintain a large gap between you and the rest of the field.

Top Speed: 211mph

Ride Height Adjustment: -20 Front, -20 Rear
Spring Rate: 18.5 Front, 19.0 Rear
Damper Extension: 9 Front, 10 Rear
Damper Compression: 4 Front, 4 Rear
Anti-Roll Bars: 6 Front, 7 Rear

Wheel Alignment:
Camber: 0.0 Front 0.0 Rear
Toe: .00 Front, .02 Rear
Brakes: 5 Front, 3 Rear

Initial Torque: 10
Acceleration Sensitivity: 60
Braking Sensitivity: 5

Downforce: 50 Front, 70 Rear

Strategy: Run slow for most of the track to preserve your tires. Overtake only on the long straight away at the finish line and the straight across the bridge. Opponent’s cars will eventually spin out and your driver should take the lead late in the 6th lap. Once he has the lead you can pretty much leave him alone as the other cars will continue to spin out and shouldn’t catch him.

Top Speed: 236mph

Ride Height Adjustment: -20 Front, -20 Rear
Spring Rate: 18.5 Front, 19.0 Rear
Damper Extension: 9 Front, 10 Rear
Damper Compression: 4 Front, 4 Rear
Anti-Roll Bars: 6 Front, 7 Rear

Wheel Alignment:
Camber: 0.0 Front 0.0 Rear
Toe: .00 Front, .02 Rear
Brakes: 5 Front, 3 Rear

Initial Torque: 10
Acceleration Sensitivity: 60
Braking Sensitivity: 5

Downforce: 50 Front, 70 Rear

Strategy: Here, simply use over take for the entire track, except for the long straight where I recommend using increase pace. When you get the lead, use increase pace continuously for a lap or two to get a decent lead. Once you have a good lead, just increase pace once or twice per lap to maintain it.

Top Speed: 211mph

Ride Height Adjustment: -20 Front, -20 Rear
Spring Rate: 18.5 Front, 19.0 Rear
Damper Extension: 9 Front, 10 Rear
Damper Compression: 4 Front, 4 Rear
Anti-Roll Bars: 6 Front, 7 Rear

Wheel Alignment:
Camber: 0.0 Front, 0.0 Rear
Toe: .00 Front, .02 Rear
Brakes: 5 Front, 3 Rear

Initial Torque: 10
Acceleration Sensitivity: 60
Braking Sensitivity: 5

Downforce: 50 Front, 70 Rear

Strategy: You can use overtake for most of the first half of the track. The places I recommend you slow down are the 1st turn (hairpin)and after the corkscrew until the long straight. Those seem to be places most prone to spinning. Use increase pace for the long straight, and overtake from the hairpin until the corkscrew. You should get the lead around lap 6 or 7. After that, give him an increase pace on the straight stretch of each lap to maintain your lead, and slow him down or maintain pace to save tires for the rest of the track.

Top Speed: 236mph

Ride Height Adjustment: 0 Front, -15 Rear
Spring Rate: 18.5 Front, 19.0 Rear
Damper Extension: 9 Front, 10 Rear
Damper Compression: 4 Front, 4 Rear
Anti-Roll Bars: 6 Front, 7 Rear

Wheel Alignment:
Camber: 0.0 Front, 0.0 Rear
Toe: .00 Front, .02 Rear
Brakes: 0 Front, 0 Rear

Initial Torque: 10
Acceleration Sensitivity: 60
Braking Sensitivity: 5

Downforce: 50 Front, 70 Rear

Strategy: This seems to be the one everyone has trouble with. I got it on the first try with this setup. Basically the same as Indianapolis. Use overtake until you have the lead. You should have the lead by lap 3 or 4. Once you do, continuously use increase pace to build and maintain a lead so the other cars cannot draft you. You must do this continuously until the end of the race to win.

Hope this helps anyone who may be stuck :grumpy:, bored :indiff: or both.

Thanks this setup go me through fairly easily with level 30 bob
will this work for A spec. I won the first no prob, but cant stop my car wheel spinning and sliding on the second even with these settings?
My driver won everything easily except Daytona, where he placed 6th.

I used another tune to win the event.
This one:

Race 5: Daytona Oval
downforce 35/50
gears: 380 km/h
lsd: 60/60/15
ride height: 15/-15
springs: 18.5/18.5
dampers front: 8/4
dampers rear: 8/4
anti roll bars: 4/4
camber: 2.0/1.0
toe: default
brakes: 0/0

Won by 6 seconds with it.

I used your brake settings and LSD with the original post and it worked with a lvl26 Bob....amazingly it did not work worth a damn with a lvl 30, and both guys were green arrow up when I did it.
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will this work for A spec. I won the first no prob, but cant stop my car wheel spinning and sliding on the second even with these settings?

You have to get aggressive and sideswipe other a-holes out of the way in the corners for the first couple laps to get a lead. If you are using a regular controller (not a wheel and pedal) you have to be very easy on the throttle until the car is driving in a straight line. Then you can floor it. Don't lay on the brakes into the corners to slow down. Tap them very fast three to five times, depending on the speed you can take the corner and you will not lock up the brakes/tires. Sort of like manual abs. You are using soft race tires...yes? Race is short enough in Aspec to do that. Been so long since I did that race in A, that I forgot what tires were allowed or if they deteriorate.
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These worked great for me. I had trouble with Bob at High Speed Ring and Daytona, with these tunes, he cleaned up. Many thanks!