ForzaCentral down?

  • Thread starter Leadfoot53
since we are throwing numbers here:
GT5p - 4.950.000 copies worldwide (*until June 2010).

But as martialstax said: It's just games. Non of those numbers aren't coming to our wallets, unless some of you own their shares, and in that case this numbers means something. :)

going on topic: Why is Forzacentral down?
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No, I mean the page itself is literally gone. The Post Gator placeholder page isn't there anymore, it's almost as if they sold the place.
No, I mean the page itself is literally gone. The Post Gator placeholder page isn't there anymore, it's almost as if they sold the place.

I know what you meant 👍. I hope the data is still there and can be transfered to a new server, if post-gator sold it.
I think Black may be falling behind on his payments to whoever is hosting the site. I fear it may be time to hand over the reigns.
I know what you meant 👍. I hope the data is still there and can be transfered to a new server, if post-gator sold it.

If they're using a free forum hosting service to run the place, then the domain would serve no purpose but to redirect users to the board's actual URL. Since it's a fairly large community, I seriously doubt it though.
Perhaps it's the same as last year wherein HostGator forgot to renew the domain and thus someone tried to steal it but you got about 30-90 days (depends on certain things iirc) before the previous owner loses it completely.
I sent a message to Black over Live but as of now no response.

If it's down for more than a few days I think it's possible that the domain has been swiped as it expired on the 27th September.
If its gone for good that'll be a massive shame as I quite preferred it to, but its gone really quiet recently but there were still some really good posters on there.

When Greenawalt said "nothing competes with us right now" at 2009 E3 I believe, how was he wrong? 18 months have past and now there is a competitor. For 18 months he's been right.