[PS4]WTCC Bmw 320TC one-make serie *Fietsmeener/crossynl is the Champion!!! Thanks to all drivers!Finished 

  • Thread starter azidahaka
This sounds bad...

Anyone has laptimes for Zolder? I may be able to train a little bit on sunday...

BTW i got Assetto corsa, not going to plug it in soon but i found a very good price so i couldn't help myself... At 30 euro for a physical copy i had to concede. I wonder if we may ever be able to race on it on some series...

I would like to see the new championship standings please.
Sorry I was slow. Tomorrow I'll post the standings. Updated to both races I guess.

Took me a lot of time to get back in the mood for driving after the last 2 weeks. I'm back now, slow as usual with a best of low 41, 43 while on race :D


Sign me up, names ErickFrank, i'm a national finalist for GT Academy North America :gtpflag: 2015
Man this must the serie with the most professionals/aliens/gta finalists ever O_O where are the normal guys lol

You're welcome in. Read well the rules especially for race 3 and make sure to be around early and befriend me
What is the issue mate?

May be ok for me but if you skip qualy all could be more exciting /jk

This you should ask the other drivers to be honest
Sorry i'm late guys, we are racing do not fear, i'm just sick after attending 2 days ago to the italian comicon-like happening and me and my GF OBVIOUSLY brought back some fever :P

We start at the right time as usual.
Points after Round 5 and after considering the Drop Race


In short, Fietmeneer has a great lead of 15 points over Friday, the only one that can take the Championship from him.

Fiets bring the cup home with at least 5 or 7 points depending if he will grab the pole or not, so in the worst case a 5th place will in any case make him the champion, while in the best one even a 9th may be enough.

While friday's second place is basically certain, a lot is left in the air.

For the third and last podium stand, Bajny, Karsten and DBkung are all really close and any exploit from one of the three may move the standings in favor of one or another.

Concerning tonight's race

While on the front little happened, we all welcome our new driver gtr3123, that proved his sheer speed bringing home 2 podiums at his debut, and that may play an important part in the last race. Thumbs up for Mctrucker's firs 3 finishes all in the points.
Ok, so next monday we will start 15 minutes earlier. 19:45 Karsten will start the practice. 20:45 qualy and 21:00 race. Thanks guys for agreeding with my suggestion.
FFS, I keep getting Monday nights shifts.

Will try to change with a pal that works on early morning next Monday, he owes me one so I think it could work :D.
The field keeps getting stronger from what I read, would like to give it a proper go with practice and everything at least in one round, the battle at the front must be a blast right now! 👍

Noted about the time change, makes no difference to me, all good!
What times are you guys getting? I'm merrily (and slowly) cruising at 2:33s...

I guess all will go for a 1 stop strategy?
I did yesterday I'll be more than happy to, today after work which is 6 7 pm est

Couldn´t join at that time. Anyone planning to run today? I´m not likely to be able to practice tomorrow and I don´t want to go into the race blank again :scared:
I would like to, there's a lot of stuff I'd like to try on the setup side, but won't be able to play until maybe 30 minutes before the race. See you then!

Today it's just a one hour race with 15 min qualifying isn't it?
I would like to, there's a lot of stuff I'd like to try on the setup side, but won't be able to play until maybe 30 minutes before the race. See you then!

Today it's just a one hour race with 15 min qualifying isn't it?

Since we start Race 15 minutes earlier, the Q session is ealy too... >_> sound obvious but i wonder how many will be late today :D
We just had a time zone change here, and I think you are suppose to be having a change too.
I don't want to show up at the wrong time.

What is the time there right now? and how much longer till the race starts?