The Happy New Year Enduro - 2 Hours 30 minutes of BrnoPS4 

  • Thread starter Hun200kmh
There's so many colours that it's difficult to decide but I think I'll take number 23.
I like when we do that. If it's established that we're doing that for this upcoming race then I would like to reserve the number 43 Sauber C9 LM car.
the left front does take more of a hammering
Oh yes, indeed it does.
I would like to reserve the number 43 Sauber C9 LM car.
I might be mistaken, but I think that the LM cars have lower downforce than the others. Brno is, I suspect, a circuit where lots of downforce is an advantage. But you are right to go for the faster class of car; in a GTO you would be more likely to get caught up in an event caused by the irrational driving of the AIs.. A cause of many a flying rattle.
Does anyone in the group have a CSL GT DD Pro wheel?
I have one Sean but I don't think I have changed settings for PC2. Happy to share what I am using if you want to; just let me know how to find them.
Any suggestions on tire saving?

Finally, I pay scant attention to the "state" of the tyres as reported
I would echo that. When the bar shows around 10% left, think of it as good grip left for another 1/10 time units, not as having only 10% of the original grip left.
When will we know if you have three people to use a GTO car?
I will be using a Group C car. Will have to drive a few before choosing which one.
I might be mistaken, but I think that the LM cars have lower downforce than the others. Brno is, I suspect, a circuit where lots of downforce is an advantage. But you are right to go for the faster class of car; in a GTO you would be more likely to get caught up in an event caused by the irrational driving of the AIs.. A cause of many a flying rattle.
Well, now I'm concerned if you say it's a fast car with less downforce. To me, those cars are best in the hands of you fast guys. I've only tried a few cars and that was one of the few that I felt like I could control. I did increase the downforce. I believe it was 12 and I think I made it 14.

I'm really just looking for the car I can control the best because I'm not going to compete with the fast guys but I'd like to be consistent and stay on track and not cause any problems.

That said, my first choice was the Porsche in the GTO class because it had a two for both handling and cornering speed. It's really good under braking even though it's not very fast.

The problem for me was that the force feedback destroyed me it was so difficult to use. My second choice would be the Quattro but I believe it was ruled out because it doesn't have lights.

I guess I still have some testing to do

I have one Sean but I don't think I have changed settings for PC2. Happy to share what I am using if you want to; just let me know how to find them.
Wait, are you saying you don't know where to find the settings on the wheelbase itself or within the game?

Also, would you try a few laps at BRNO with the GTO Porsche and tell me if it destroys your hands and if it's really difficult to turn? I'm guessing it's one of the things that makes the game realistic because all the other cars I could handle easily but when I use this car it's physically taxing.
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I quite liked the gto Porsche 959. It's 4WD which proves to be handy during the rain, it increases the grip. It's a slowish in and power through the corner car.

What in game ffb settings are you using @slthree? I can possibly help with them.
I quite liked the gto Porsche 959. It's 4WD which proves to be handy during the rain, it increases the grip. It's a slowish in and power through the corner car.

What in game ffb settings are you using @slthree? I can possibly help with them.
Gain 100
Volume 65
Tone 50
FX 50
Spring 0.40

CSL DD Pro Settings:

Sensitivity Auto
FFb 100
FFS Peak
NDP 25
FEI 100
Force 100
Spring 100
DPR 100
Shock vibration 100
Hmm. I don't know anything about the wheel settings, my indirect drive hasn't any to tweak. But the game settings don't look too bad. Your wheel is capable of more power and nuances than mine so what I'd turn down you can probably turn up.

You could try dropping the tone down a little to give a more lively chassis type feel - try it at 30. Or if you wanted to feel more tyre grip try increasing it - maybe to 70. Tweak to suit your needs.
The volume controls how heavy your wheel feels, the return to centre effect, and is a personal preference. Having it too high though will mask other effects.
I have the FX at zero. I don't like the false effects it gives (possibly because it makes my wheel rattle). You could try dropping that to prevent any overpowering of the more subtle other driving sensations.

Different cars produce different effects and is why I have the FFB buttons mapped on my keyboard so I can adjust the settings on the fly.
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@slthree regarding your question on multiclass here's how it goes. If at least 3 human players want to fight it out with GTO cars they can go and pick a car from that class (but NOT the Audi or the Nascar-type car, because they don't have headlihts). If that threshold of 3 players isn't met than human players will ALL race it the top class , meaning Group C.

This doesn't mean that there won't be GTOs in the race because the grid will be filled with AI cars and they can either be Gr.C, GTO or both. Since most of the grid will be human I don't expect us to find more than 1 or 2 GTOs in the race. In any case I find having a second class of cars important in this kind of race, it also requires skill and patience to deal with them and slower traffic (to be respected) is one of the unique features of sportscars racing I want us all to "feel" in this kind of events.

Regarding tyre wear, setups, fuel and the choice of car ... I really don't know and since I am still away from home I am still unable to try and test things. All I can do right now is ... write about it! :D So I'll share my thoughts here:

1. Fuel - I have no idea on what cars are best and worst regarding fuel. I suppose in a 24 hour race this can make a real difference, but for a race 1/10th of that I doubt it. I guess I wont bother much with this and will prefer laptimes over fuel. In any case, with equal/similar laptimes of course the car that uses less fuel is the best (less time in the pits, with luck even one pistop saved from race start to race end)

2. Tyres - Hard or Soft in the dry? Well, for race start and since we all know that rain is expected about 30 minutes from race start, you better try to figure out if softs last that much (add to that how much time you can do with one fuel load, whatever the case you know you'll need to head for the pits at or around the 30 minutes-mark).

As for the looooooooooong spell of dry track that follows the rain (about 1h30) ... it again depends on testing. I do remember that at Le Mans, in a 24 hour (Project Cars2) race, I did a sunday morning marathon of driving where I always chose Hard and twice triple stinted them (pitted for fuel two consecutives times and only took fresh rubber again when going in for a 3rd time). But here Iam not sure if it is worth it, because with the hards you lose pace versus cars with softs , not sure if the time saved in the pits is worth it. Again, this is unless the softs get used so fast you must pit for new tyres too often.

3. Downforce - There's no question in my mind that you should put it, both front and back, to high levels, close to or at maximum available. Top speed will suffer but in a full lap it'll be a big advantage. Plus, the car will slide less, therefore tyres will last longer (this of course also depends on how you drive and push them)

4. Understeer/Oversteer - I usually work the car balance while cornering (from corner entry to mid corner to corner exit) mainly with 3 settings. a) Downforce, b) Engine Braking and c) Brake Balance. Lets say you find the car too tail happy, probably you'd want to smooth that by increasing rear downforce (or changing the downforce balance between front and back, favouring the back); or you can try to again change the brake balance more to the front; or you can try to increase the engine braking value. Either of these or all combined will work in their own specific ways.

That said, the guys that truly know how to setup cars will probably change and tweak other, more technical aspects, envolving the suspension (spring rates, bumper values, roll bar stiffness, there are many things in PCars 2 I don't even dare to touch or pretend to understand so I just leave them alone)

Finally ...

5. The car - I think the Sauber is probably a safe bet, it's nice to drive and it sure is a fast car (as long as you do remember to put its turbo boost up to 100%, for some reason the default settings - both loose and stable - have it at 50%, that's why it is uncompetitive against the Porsches in a "stock setup" race. Will this make that car use too much fuel? Will it make the car get engine damage soon and fast. Don't know yet.

I do know the Porsche becomes undergunned when the Sauber is released to its full potential, so maybe they are a safe choice (because they are good and stable to drive) and maybe they are easier on tyres and fuel, so in an endurance race maybe they are also a choice worthy of consider.

I still want to also consider the Nissans and the Jaguar. I think the former are also good cars to drive but not sure how they compare to the Saubers and Porsches. The latter is clearly the fastest of them all (Group C) in a straight line, but also the trickier to drive (experience from long time ago when this group did a Johnny Dumfries tribute event using the Jaguar in vintage Le Mans) so maybe it isn't suited for a twisty, high downforce track like Brno.

And that's all I can remember now. Will travel later today or tomorrow so I hope I can get some wheel time until saturday! Cheers all

EDIT - Just to add to the buildup ... ;)

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I'd add to Mario's comments that I don't think hard tyres wouldn't really get up to working temperatures in the winter setting. Hards would possibly last the full race (in the dry) but even so softs are probably the way to go to maintain better grip.

I actually think the Nissan 300 would be the fastest, it's a beast and the AI love it, but it isn't so nice to drive.
@IfAndOr I am actually thinking a spring setting might be a litle more forgiving, so that particular setting is still TBD. Again, I still have to test and will only be able to do it from tonight (late night) or tomorrow.

Also, please all keep in mind that tyre wear will be set to accelerated so if you all want to test tyre duration go with that also.
Spring might be better I think. It'd give everyone a bit more grip (save on accidents perhaps) and would also add to the soft/hard decision. The track would dry out more quickly after the night rain and get wetter more slowly - which would make the final (possible) rain more difficult to judge.
You'd also get a little more daylight before night falls.
FFS! I've got a headache trying to balance the options :boggled:.

Mario, can we agree a ban on non essential verbal communications during quali/race please? This is going to be the loooooongest event I've competed in, and I'm very reluctant to hand my motor over to one of those AI guys. Keeping my concentration levels where they should be ought to be possible, but I am very easily distracted.
My distraction problem will probably be intrusion from cats. A known problem for all the top racecar drivers. 😸

Info for just in case anyone tries to speak to me.
I don't like wearing headphones for too long so I'm probably going to be taking them off and switching to speakers during the race. So therefore I won't be able to hear any voices (or reply) until I put them on again.

Keeping my concentration levels where they should be ought to be possible,
How about your bladder though? 😵‍💫

I did once do a 2.4 hours of Le Man's. It seemed to go by much more quickly than I thought. You get into a rythem. Plus of course Mario has previously held a couple of long races I participated in.
@Zolon32 yes, of course. Muted is the way to go. I will add that I don't have a mic switch on/off button so I can't change my "muted" status during the race (similar situation to @IfAndOr ). I will suggest that everyone turn on their proximity indicators so there's no surprises about having a car suddenly show up at your side. Also, leave the usual "thank yous" for lapped competitors that complied with blue flags for post-race debriefs, recaps and posts.

One other rule I'd like to add is that using the "Reset Car" function is NOT ALLOWED unless the car has rolled over or is in any other way stuck.

Let's say you messed up, went deep into a grass field, your car is facing the wrong way and is so wrecked to the point of undriveability? Well, no matter how many times you spin, get it out of the grass and get to limp it back to the pits ... yourself!

And finally, please, NO rage quits! If you think you (or somebody else) ruined your race to a point where it doesn't interest you any more ... head for the pits, repair the car fully, hand it over to the AI and go grab a beer and clear your head. 16 cars is already a minimum number to keep the track busy, don't take any car out of it. You might even want to return at a later moment, why should you deprive yourself of that? ;)
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Mario, Max and Don turned up on Monday. I do't know if they intend doing this event, but it strikes me that there's some chance that there'll be a full human grid. If everyone wants to run group C, ie there's no GTOs, you happy with that?

I'm very much in the "I want to drive group C" camp, by the way.

I'm only saying this in case you want to start lobbying for some to go with the GTOs.
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No lobbying, it's as I said, humans in GTO only if there's 3 (or more). If the grid is filled with human players and all want to race Group C that's perfectly fine by me. 👍

Regarding entrants, @PANDACoff33 can't show up as he told me, also talked with @Pantheons but he is unavailable this saturday, so this is what I know at the moment:

1. @Hun200kmh (running as Flat Twelve)
2. @IfAndOr
3. raeggee
4. @Zolon32
5. @Madbigdog (running as Hun200kmh)
6. @Napalm_LT
8. @half_sourly
9. @tal (running as hartur)
10. @slthree
11. jmprego_f

Possibly interested, as informed by @Zolon32, are

12. @Maxmusmonster
13. @Don Mejillone

Calling, from the usuals in this group ...

@John Wells
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Rich's PS Plus has expired and he's currently weighing up renewing it.

You could perhaps ask Don and Max if they are interested on the PSN messages. They aren't regular visitors on GTP.
@IfAndOr Sure, will do that! 👍

Just a heads up on cars, since last I posted about it I tried the Nissans and Jaguar and they are all good and quick cars, each with their own quirks. Maybe the Jaguar is the trickiest, and the long tail Nissan (can't remember the denomination, it's the "different" one) seems to be the quicker, although it needs more fuel to do the same number of laps.

Haven't had the chance to try the Sauber and Jaguar in their LM (long tail) configurations but as @Zolon32 already said, those have probably less downforce than their "normal" versions.

Also didn't have time to compare soft slicks vs hard slicks (might be useful for the long dry spell in the second part of the race) so I'm not sure about what the correct pick might be. Durability versus pace. But I guess the safest option is softs, hards can be tricky to use and any mistake can send you limping back to the pits so ...

I did a bit of testing and setting up yesterday afternoon and the one thing I noticed for the Nissan I'm using is... There weren't any hard tyres, just softs. There was a comp tyre available although I'm not sure what that was supposed to do. It seemed less grippy.

I'm don't know if this is the case for all the group C cars.
That's very odd, I am certain that with the cars I tried (Sauber, Jag, Nissan), when going through the setup screen I had the choice of soft and hard slicks. Will check again tonight just to be sure.

Wrote about it on PSN but will say it here also. I'm planning on having an extra Free Practise session tonight with the event's settings, everyone's welcome (regardless of availability for Saturday so this includes you @Pantheons ;) )
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So, you're Prince Harry then? :D
For what it's worth, I admire Harry's anti racism/misogyny stance. Can't have been easy to do what he's done. When he hooked up with Megan I was pleased to see them welcome a woman who has made her own way in life into the fold. Should have known it wouldn't last. I think the "Where are you really from" debarcle sums the Windsors up nicely.
I am GUTTED as I will be missing this race.

Earlier today, my wife reminded me about the funeral for her grandmother. I completely forgot. Truth be told, I don't remember her ever giving me the date.

You guys are doing my dream race, endurance with weather changes and pit stops. I practiced so hard for this.

This is most certainly one of those times where it's not fun being an adult.

Please send me an invite anyway as I'm hoping to watch whatever I can.
For what it's worth, I admire Harry's anti racism/misogyny stance. Can't have been easy to do what he's done. When he hooked up with Megan I was pleased to see them welcome a woman who has made her own way in life into the fold. Should have known it wouldn't last. I think the "Where are you really from" debarcle sums the Windsors up nicely.
Sorry chaps, got a bit heavy there. Must remember to take my medication.

my wife reminded me about the funeral for her grandmother.
Glad you didn't come out with "Your grandmother would understand". I can say that approach meets with resistance...
No, sorry me, I did the off-topic baiting. :)

@slthree sorry to hear it. I won't send an invite so I don't lose a grid slot, but will share here the link to the streaming broadcast (from my cars POV), so you can put the race on your TV through YouTube any time you want! 😉

Last night's practise proved that:
1. @IfAndOr is clueless on tyre options! :D
2. The Porsches are slower than any of the other cars and should be avoided ( as @Napalm_LT could see for himself, @Pantheons had zero prior practise and beat the Porsches time by over 5 seconds)
3. The GTP Nissan is the faster car of the lot and Im saying this here because everyone should get that information before making their choice.
4. Remember the added rules: muted mics in quali and race; no quitting; no resets allowed except car on its roof or stuck

See you later gents! :cheers:
@IfAndOr is clueless on tyre options!
About sums it up. I'm using ice tyres throughout. 🙂

I think I'll still use the slower Nissan. You'll need something to overtake.

The one exception to your no resetting rule I might take is if for some reason I'm causing an hazard to other drivers, I might reset to get out of their way. I wouldn't want to cause contact if it can be avoided.

Must remember to take my medication.
I think I might need something to stay focused for 2⅐ hours!

I must remember to feed the cat beforehand. Not that will stop a probable intrusion.
No, sorry me, I did the off-topic baiting. :)
You're forgiven ☺️

The GTP Nissan is the faster car of the lot
If that's the ZX-T, or something like that, here here. And it's the easiest to drive for me. Pity it only comes in three liveries. I think there will be several duplicates.

I think I might need something to stay focused for 2⅐ hours!
Good point, I might pop out and grab some Rip-offBull... then stay awake until 2:00am...
The GTP Nissan is the faster car
I just did some testing and came to the same conclusion. Came on here to provide my number, but given many of us are now likely to be in it, I won't bother. See you tonight.