Data Leak Reveals GT Sport Sold 12.7 Million Copies, Generating $355M in Revenue

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Data Leak Reveals GT Sport Sold 12.7 Million Copies, Generating $355M in Revenue

Gran Turismo Sport, Gran Turismo 7, and Driveclub sales data has been leaked as part of a massive data breach at Insomniac Games, a first-party PlayStation Studio. Assuming the data is correct, it offers an unprecedented and fascinating look at the business side of the industry...
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I think Gran Turismo 5 was just under 12 million in total sales. I was not expecting GT Sport to be more successful of a game, but here we are I guess. Just don't buy it now because in a few weeks it's going to turn into a fancy drink coaster.
I think Gran Turismo 5 was just under 12 million in total sales. I was not expecting GT Sport to be more successful of a game, but here we are I guess. Just don't buy it now because in a few weeks it's going to turn into a fancy drink coaster.
Yeah, GT5 was 11.9 million.
So only 14.7% of voters were in the ball park according to the thread below.

Happy to say I was way, way off. I wasn't even in the same country let alone ball park with my guess of only 6m :guilty::dopey:
Glad to see it sold well.

As much as it was more of a spin off than a full numbered sequel I really enjoyed GT Sport and appreciated its return to being a technically polished game instead of the not so polished PS3 GT games.

The trend has continued with GT7 so I think of GT Sport as a reboot for the series which was needed after the slightly dissapointed PS3 era due to the hardware it was on (which I still enjoyed to be fair)
I think this was the latest published data for the other games:


So yeah, only GT3 is ahead now. Although i guess technically GT Sport can still overtake it :P

Wonder how close the series is to 100 million now.
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So yeah, only GT3 is ahead now.
Possibly GT7 as well, but I suppose we don't have data for that.

As much as it was more of a spin off than a full numbered sequel I really enjoyed GT Sport and appreciated its return to being a technically polished game instead of the not so polished PS3 GT games.
GT Sport was great. It had its flaws (dumbed down car tuning, overly easy and forgiving missions and licence tests) but it had a great campaign from the Spec II update onwards, I love the soundtrack (both race and menu) and the home screen and overall UI/UX is way, way better than GT7. In terms of graphics, it still looks better than most current sims. The physics feel a tad arcadey after coming from GT7, but then GT7's also feel arcadey if you've just been playing a more serious sim.

I think is up to march 31st 2019

View attachment 1313223
Thanks, I had not seen that data yet. The GT7 pre-order information was dated as one week before its release but I suppose all of the data in the leak is not contemporary.


If the 12.7m doesn't include the COVID/lockdown sales, GTS could have passed GT3 now.
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That's a lot of the game's immediate-bargain-bin sales never falling off after doing some napkin math of that and some other games on that list. The main interesting thing I see is that (with some extreme outliers) there tends to be a 65:35-ish physical:digital breakdown for most of the games that held steady throughout the generation and into this one, which is much less even than I thought it would be by early 2022.
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That's a lot of the game's immediate-bargain-bin sales never falling off after doing some napkin math of that and some other games on that list.
The average price the game is sold at (27.4 USD) is higher than Horizon Zero Dawn (24.90), The Last of Us PS4 (21.80), and only slightly below GoW 2018 (28.40). It's pretty successful.
I think the low percentage of players who have tried Sport Mode makes more sense now given the high number of total players. Online play isn't particularly unpopular as much as GT Sport as a whole is much more popular than expected.
I do kind of wonder if there is data on how many hours on average a user played each game in the leak. I wouldn't be surprised if GT Sport has the lowest average play time given that there isn't really a story and campaign races were added later but nonetheless PD and Sony made a lot of money that I assume some went into GT7.
I would have figured almost certainly being the highest selling game in the franchise by now would be publicly advertised massively though so this is kind of weird.
It's interesting that Sony and PD are so quiet about sales,you would think that crossing 10 million copies sold is good enough for an annoumcement on social media.
Till yesterday i thought GTSport sold less than GT6
Yes, I don't understand the silence, also this might indicate that GT7 has sold more, as has been constantly appearing on the charts and most downloaded list from PS, also game beng cross gen should be a factor
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Yes, I don't understand the silence, also this might indicate that GT7 has sold more, as has been constantly appearing on the charts abs most downloaded list (even more considering is cross gen)
GT7 usually charts on europe and with way less discounts compared to GTSport.
In 5 years we will learn GT7 sold like 18 million with tons of profit or something like that. 😂
If you look at that list GTS sold more than The Last of Us 2 and Bloodborne,both Playstation favorites and way more talked about on social media,it's nuts
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A bit to keep in mind is how these numbers scale with the industry. Yes, the games are selling more, but how much more do they cost to make. Also the video game market is just bigger so more consoles are out there. Therefore, what % of PS users are playing GT would be a better indicator if the series has increased or dropped off in popularity.

I still would loooooove to see an accurate % on users who play online i.e. Sport mode vs the people who focus on offline i.e. "Career". I'd like to think only a small % plays Sport.

I am surprised to see such a difference between Europe and US. I guess most people in the US are lame.
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