Forza Motorsport 5 Gameplay Videos

  • Thread starter King1982


United States
Recap of the vids up till now.

Edit: Dan Greenawald's Eurogamer video is finally back online. The audio sucks but there's plenty of new footage of the game and the topgear guys.



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I tend to stay away from pre release game play videos. They always seem to have crappy music drowning out the car sound, driving line on, and someone who really does not know what they are doing.

The official "preview" videos give you a better feel as it is kind of like a replay, but is still slighly skewed to great cinamatography. So you are seeing the best of the best-the gameplay is always different.

Having said that, I could only watch a minute of the Pagani game play video. It was horrible 3rd person view. Very unnatural look and feel. I am a in car view driver, which to me gives the best perspective on gameplay.

I know when we pop our copies in on launch day, it will be epic.
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Man, that guy was super timid. Although it's nice to finally see a video without any contact.
TGS gameplay. Bumper cam and (looks like) all assists off

<a href="">YouTube Link</a>

Wow, best gameplay video yet. That's what I'm talking about!!
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Excellent news! It was an obvious step with the TG license, but I'm glad they took it.

Being able to race against a digital Stig was always at the top of T10/TG wishlists. I'm glad they took the initiative to do something about it.
Being able to race against a digital Stig was always at the top of T10/TG wishlists. I'm glad they took the initiative to do something about it.

How do you think they went about it? Did they actually take the Stig to these circuits and have him set real life lap times, or did he do it virtually? If he did do it IRL, then will there be Stig challenges on the fantasy tracks?
Excellent news! ...
I believe you meant to say
How do you think they went about it?
They'll probably grab a really good driver and have him set times in game.
Not sure why they would set real world times and then have you try beat them in game. This would not be a challenge for majority of FM players.
They'll probably grab a really good driver and have him set times in game.
Not sure why they would set real world times and then have you try beat them in game. This would not be a challenge for majority of FM players.

Dem hardcore players will beat them easily I bet. ;)
They'll probably grab a really good driver and have him set times in game.
Not sure why they would set real world times and then have you try beat them in game. This would not be a challenge for majority of FM players.

Yep, this is my guess.
Dem hardcore players will beat them easily I bet. ;)

I don't even think you'll need to be a hardcore player to do it(I'm assuming by hardcore you mean all the guys atop the leaderboards). If you put in enough time, any one can get in the top 1%.
I don't even think you'll need to be a hardcore player to do it(I'm assuming by hardcore you mean all the guys atop the leaderboards). If you put in enough time, any one can get in the top 1%.

Ahh okay, that's true. 👍 Yeah, I was assuming hardcores that play sim racers. :)