Frizbe's new photos! New pictures! Now includes Porsche porn!

  • Thread starter Frizbe
United States
Albuquerque, NM
Darth Frizbe
I think I will be updating this a little more often than my FM4 thread. (Maybe :dopey:)
Sweet shots, I love the first shot.

Again, I'm a sucker for a great photo with some foliage involved. :D
Thanks guys, I always felt the "lesser" Ferrari's looked better in yellow while the "F class" look best in red.
And I was some happy to see that the leaves get kicked up as you drive over them, that is always one of my favorite shots in a movie.

A story for all you Foto Fans

I had heard rumors of an almost unicorn like red R-34 GT-R somewhere in the mountains between Bunker and Finley Dam. This Gt-R was said to be unlike any other able to hit 200mph over the bridge and pull 3 g's in the hairpins. I wasn't one to fall for such non-sense, until one fateful afternoon...
Driving to meet some... associates at the dam I saw this red blur...
What could that be? Were the rumors true? A bit further up I was able to track the car down, this is what I saw.

A red R34...
I couldn't beleive what I was seeing, but I had to get in front of it to be sure, they say it has A048 written on the hood.
This was it, it was real and I was cruising with it.
A bit later I had uh.. "liberated" the vehicle from its previous owner and was driving off into my own fairy tale.
I mean Forza-tale.

No but really, spent all afternoon in FM4 painting the MCR R34 and am loving the results in Horizon.
I've been seeing a lot of the R34 in people's photos, it's a car that was rarely used for me in FM4 but the first car I bought with me money in FH, it's a blast to drive and Dat RB26 sounds hot! Nice story :D
Dat MCR :embarrassed:

Sad.. I have the paint but its on the Mines Skyline, so I cant transfer it over :(
It does look better on the Mines though I wish I had one of those in 4.

Thanks for the compliments guys. Keeps me motivated to do some moar!
Some moar!
Aston Martin!!!!!! :eek:

The last one I am not very fond of, if I made the red awning look correct color wise I didn't like the other colors in the picture, and vise-versa.
Been taking some shots here and there since I started playing on Tuesday. I promise future updates will be more focused :lol:

GetPhoto (7) by JFriz81, on Flickr

GetPhoto by JFriz81, on Flickr

GetPhoto (10) by JFriz81, on Flickr

GetPhoto (9) by JFriz81, on Flickr

GetPhoto (8) by JFriz81, on Flickr

GetPhoto (6) by JFriz81, on Flickr

GetPhoto (5) by JFriz81, on Flickr

GetPhoto (4) by JFriz81, on Flickr

GetPhoto (3) by JFriz81, on Flickr

GetPhoto (2) by JFriz81, on Flickr

GetPhoto (1) by JFriz81, on Flickr

GetPhotoA by JFriz81, on Flickr

GetPhoto by JFriz81, on Flickr

GetPhoto (4) by JFriz81, on Flickr

GetPhoto (3) by JFriz81, on Flickr

GetPhoto (2) by JFriz81, on Flickr

GetPhoto (1) by JFriz81, on Flickr

Yay they fixed the not-supposed-to-be-there turbo sound!
GetPhoto (5) by JFriz81, on Flickr

Its a UFO! No wait its a two and a half ton flying Ram...
GetPhoto (3) by JFriz81, on Flickr​
The wheels on the E30 :drool:

Please tell me the Sierra Cossie in this game, it needs those wheels .

Some more!

Where is every one going!?
GetPhoto (2) by JFriz81, on Flickr

New Lambo
GetPhoto (4) by JFriz81, on Flickr

Still one of the most beautiful modern cars.
GetPhoto by JFriz81, on Flickr

558089_613282848685690_844066922_n by JFriz81, on Flickr

GetPhoto by JFriz81, on Flickr

GetPhoto (7) by JFriz81, on Flickr

GetPhoto (1) by JFriz81, on Flickr

Another Black BMW with chrome and gold wheels.... I think I have a problem....
GetPhoto (19) by JFriz81, on Flickr

GetPhoto (18) by JFriz81, on Flickr

GetPhoto (17) by JFriz81, on Flickr

I redid my TV so I think most of the M5 pics came out better and most in the future should be a lot better.

GetPhoto (16) by JFriz81, on Flickr

GetPhoto (15) by JFriz81, on Flickr

GetPhoto (14) by JFriz81, on Flickr

GetPhoto (13) by JFriz81, on Flickr

GetPhoto (12) by JFriz81, on Flickr

GetPhoto (11) by JFriz81, on Flickr​
Those HRE's are just great aren't they? I dont think I've used any other rim brand yet! Gotta single this one out, you've captured the reflections great!
Thanks man I was really surprised with that one since it was a spur of the moment shot.
I just followed you back on Flickr and the :censored:ing thing faved every. Single. Photo. So sorry about your notifications haha.

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