GT2 + PC + Save

Since i don't own a PSX,and neither want to buy one,is it possible,when i get the game and using a emulator,i can also save the game?
Since i don't own a PSX,and neither want to buy one,is it possible,when i get the game and using a emulator,i can also save the game?
Download and install epsxe ( the PS1 emulator ) then press F8 while playing GT2 with the PSXE emu.
It will store the screen dump in one of the Epsxe directory ( I forgot which one, check the included Readme )
Yes, you can ALWAYS save during gameplay regardless of memory card emulation. You have 5 slots for each game, so you can save 5 GT2 games in one directory 👍
so,you mean i can save?
Sorry, I misunderstood your post, I thought you were talking about screen saving ( as in screen dump ).
As puricele7e mentioned, you can save your game progress, like on a normal Playstation when using a memory card.
The beauty of the emulator memory files is that you can transmit them directly to a friend via the internet ( like an attached document in an email ) or ... edit them with an hex editor and plenty of patience.
Yeah, you can even save during the intro, during the loading sequences, pretty much anywhere.

I had a GT2 save right in my Garage i think so I did't have to wait until reaching it (long loading know them) Just load the game, hit F5 and in seconds, you're in youre Garage. Or was that main lobby? Can't really remember......
Yeah, you can even save during the intro, during the loading sequences, pretty much anywhere.

I had a GT2 save right in my Garage i think so I did't have to wait until reaching it (long loading know them) Just load the game, hit F5 and in seconds, you're in youre Garage. Or was that main lobby? Can't really remember......

I think you are a little confused ;) , F5 is for toggling the game controller ( gamepad ) between digital and analog mode.
What you are talking about is what's called the "savestate" using the F1 ( saving ) or F3 ( loading ) keys.

Very complete Epsxe guide here
ePSXe is you best bet for running GT2 on the PC, to get the best visual results you gotta tweak the graphics settings around and you get it looking better than it did on the PSOne, but it depends on CPU speed, video card etc etc.

Or you can always play it on the PS2...
the savestates are good, you can save a state in the middle of an endurance race quit, next time come back on press F3 and your'e back in the endurance race
I use ePSXe too and I do have to say that the game does look better and I
can make hybrid which is always fun:). If you want a save just ask.
Not to be a complete noob, but I just got a laptop and the epsxe's sweet.

Anyway, how do you make hybrids with it?
I use two programs. The first is PSXGameEdit to get the save from the memory card file.
The 2nd program I use is GTedit to change the codes of the cars.
Sounds hard but is really easy. And I have some cool cars made that way too:).
I just downloaded the PEC program and it's excellent, thanks.

Now can you guys hook me up with the hybrid parts codes? I've got all of the base codes I think, but I need tire codes and stuff...Mazda parts prefered right now.
Go here and pick GT2 Reference and Download Section.
There is a good pick of codes thier. Also PM coldfireTRR because he has a good
amount of codes too.
I use two programs. The first is PSXGameEdit to get the save from the memory card file.
The 2nd program I use is GTedit to change the codes of the cars.

[urgent] anyone know where to get this gt2 edit iv got MK's gt3 edit? [/urgent]

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