How is this game overlooked so much?

  • Thread starter daz1976
Hi All

I've just started to really get stuck into playing a season on this properly and am amazed at how many features, and what quality sounds and graphics these guys have crammed into this game.

I, as I'm sure many other here, am waiting in anticipation for GT5 but there is little I can complain about on this apart from not having lots of different cars. For a game that is pretty old now (was it a launch game?) I'm amazed at the rock solid framerate and the AI. The dynamic weather caught me out yesterday and as I watched the sky fill with clouds I was awestruck.

I just wanted to raise my glass to a top quality title that doesn't get the honour it deserves.

Lets hope Codemasters make a reasonable job of the next one!

It's overlooked because it is old and most people are not up for true F1 racing. It's just too unforgiving for most and contains little crash amusement that the general gaming public seem so favour.

I hope too that Codemasters does something great. Otherwise I'm happy i have F1CE.
I still play it a lot, its probably one of the best racing games i have ever played.
It really is a great game. I posted some laps in the fast laps thread with no responce. Guess we are the very few who still play it?
I still play to this day, still addicted to the sheer fun of forcing a car around some of the best corners in the world at over 150mph.
It suits my current preferrence of 10 minute gaming sessions as I can load it up for a few laps or go online and race a bit without being tied down too much.
Glad there's still a few of us out there.

I agree on the the ten minute fix thing, and it allows you to wollow in your own self pity when you throw away a race lead on lap 28 because you hit a curb too hard! As you watch your wheel go bouncing down the track.

Anyway, it still gives me a fix while I wait for... errr... what was it again...GT5. :irked:

I really appreciate how the fans of this game have been plugging it over the past few years, because I've just picked it up, and it is quite awesome with the Driving Force Pro. Some of the best videogame racing I have experienced, and I've yet to actually complete a race.

What is truly amazing is that something of this quality was a launch title (actually released in NA in Feb 2007), surely only possible because Sony Liverpool had perfected the F1 game after so many releases. Codemasters has their work cut out for them....
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I want this game, from what you people make it sound like, it's very good. Now if only I could find a copy :lol:
I bought this less than a year ago as a diversion from GT5P after getting the Ferrari formula 1 car. It was just supposed to be my F1 fix, Considering I can play a full pack of F1 cars. I initially played only a race or two on this game. But going out and trying the career mode, I was immersed. I love how you get to really feel the race car driver eperience... Trying out for your first drive. Nailing a test driver spot... Nailing your first race drive.

The system is dynamic enough that you won't be playing the same season twice. From the tests to the weather. Even the time of day for some tests (I officially hate the glare when the sun is low on Monaco) I finished my first season on Super Aguri (miserable season). Nailed a post on Torro Rosso on my second season. Now I'm doing my third season and hoping to get Mc Laren or Renault. :sly:

I don't think it's overlooked on sim racing circles. As a mainstream game though, the variety of cars (not just F1 I mean), learning curve and presentation hurts it from selling well.
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This has the detail and precision, to be a game that hangs around for a long time.
The next version has it's work cut out for it to be a step up.
I find the level of difficulty and longevityof a career, one of the best ever games.👍
I want this game, from what you people make it sound like, it's very good. Now if only I could find a copy :lol:

If you do get a copy make sure it is a "PAL" (European) version and not the "NTSC" (North American) version, that way you can play on line if you want. The games are identical but the NTSC servers shut down about 11 months ago. You can still get a copy on ebay but it will probably be coming from the UK and it is still a bit pricey because of it's popularity in Europe.

If all you want is the F1 experience and not worried about testing your skills online then the NTSC version is fine.
I see them used from £22 (~$$34), can get new ones for £40 (~$60).

It's good fun, I have a weekend off next weekend, I may run a race on my career.I think I'm at Ferrari...
I looked today, 130$ on Amazon, which is not going to happen :lol:

20$ on Gamestop, but not online, I'd have to go on a 30 minute drive, and it's used. I've got to keep looking, hopefully I'll run across something for a reasonable price. I'll pre-order the '10 version when we get a solid date for it. I'm pretty excited for that game.

Anyone with links? :D!?!
I'd happily pick you up a PAL copy from over here, but new ones won't be under £40/$60, no ides what shipping would be, can't imagine too much...
Anyone with links? :D!?!

Here is a eBay link but I'm sure the price will go up before it is ended :dopey: he lists it as "free UK shipping" so you would have to ask what he charges to ship it here.

I'd happily pick you up a PAL copy from over here, but new ones won't be under £40/$60, no ides what shipping would be, can't imagine too much...

When I got mine the shipping charge from the UK to North Carolina was under $5 (US) and I had it in 7 days 👍
Just want to add my name to the long list of people who think this game is absolutely one of the best racing games ever made :)

As a big fan of F1, the game was the impetus for me buying the PS3 in the first place. The game save indicates the hours of play on the save and mine was at 580 hours the last time I checked it. Talk about longevity and replay value :) Best $60 I've ever spent :)
Hi folks! New(ish) PS3 owner, and having owned every F1 game on the PSone and PS2, found this game in my local branch of, er, GAME for about £20. Best £20 I've spent in years!

After a week or so mucking around with the Time Trial mode and getting used to the handling, I've just finished (and won!) my first full length GP. Once I've worked through a World Championship season I look forward to sinking my teeth into the career mode.

Given that I actually bought my first PS1 specifically to play the original Formula One way back in the day, I'm somewhat kicking myself at having missed this gem by about 4 years, but thoroughly looking forward to getting absolutely hooked on virtual F1 again! 👍
I am a Huge f1 fan! but only having a 360, I couldnt play this game and i was so gutterd:(
Im finally getting a PS3 mainly for GT5 but I was so excited to get F1CE as well and will probably play it more than GT5p:). it has everything i love about racing:Emersive pit stops , fuel tire wear , Prac/Qualifying, Changing Weather, damage, and a Career I get to test and race in! I endid up going interstate to pick a copy as its so rare now and noone wants to sell it , and from what i have been hearing in this forum i know why!. Now i just need to get my Ps3 and G27 and il be a happy chappy:)
For you guys who still play it please check out my poll. I hope i'm not the only person who is amused by crystal clear recorded tapes of almost 20 year old Grand Prix's
The game save indicates the hours of play on the save and mine was at 580 hours the last time I checked it. Talk about longevity and replay value :) Best $60 I've ever spent :)
OMG! That's ALOT dude :)
Still waiting for my PAL version to arrive so I can resume online play. Still, the HARD settings are competitive, zero mistakes allowed. MS still has the best pit stops and will always give you a run, no matter.
Yes, F1CE is a great game. It really makes you wonder why other major racing titles (GT5P) can't manage decent AI.
Nice find Shaggy, these guys over at SRT are reviewing the game 3 years later :lol:

They gave it a 1.5/5 for multiplayer "because there is no online capability right now", I think they should have gone to eBay instead of Walmart to buy this game :lol:
Nice to see F1 CE getting the credit it deserves (albeit much belated) as a sim racer by the SRT guys:

"Driving felt disconnected because there is ALWAYS some assist FORCED on you (emphasis mine)." What? Every "assist" can be turned off. Not to mention that year ABS and TCS were part of the dang cars anyway :rolleyes:. Still very much agree it's good to see them give the game some of the love that it definitely deserves 👍.
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"Driving felt disconnected because there is ALWAYS some assist FORCED on you (emphasis mine)." What? Every "assist" can be turned off. Not to mention that year ABS and TCS were part of the dang cars anyway :rolleyes:. Still very much agree it's good to see them give the game some of the love that it definitely deserves 👍.

I think they mean an invisible assist of sorts i.e. even with all assists turned off you still feel like there's something protecting you a lot of the way. I wouldn't say it feels that pronounced, but I know in other racing games this is common. When using the controller in SuperCar Challenge for example (one of the best games in terms of feel and physics) there is an oversteer correction built into it that the developers, Eutechnyx, have even admitted to. Their reason? To make the cars more drivable for pad users. This element of the physics simply isn't present when using a wheel. I imagine there are certain elements of F1 CE's physics model which act in a similar way.

Anyway, an encouraging quote from Codemasters regarding F1 2010:

Early on in development we identified all the key areas that we needed to make shine, building upon and enhancing aspects of the EGO racing technology and extracting the most interesting elements of F1 not previously utilised in games.

Number one on that list was the car physics system, which is being re-engineered from the ground up for F1 2010. Several key areas have been rewritten, enabling us to have a detailed simulation of how an F1 car feels on track. Whilst we have made several major steps forward with this, we will continue to build upon this new foundation into 2011 and beyond!

They're saying all the right things regarding physics so far. If they're true to their word, then perhaps finally they have dispensed of the truly ghastly physics present in Grid and the first Dirt title 👍

I can only live in hope :nervous:
I think they mean an invisible assist of sorts i.e. even with all assists turned off you still feel like there's something protecting you a lot of the way. I wouldn't say it feels that pronounced, but I know in other racing games this is common. When using the controller in SuperCar Challenge for example (one of the best games in terms of feel and physics) there is an oversteer correction built into it that the developers, Eutechnyx, have even admitted to. Their reason? To make the cars more drivable for pad users. This element of the physics simply isn't present when using a wheel. I imagine there are certain elements of F1 CE's physics model which act in a similar way.

Ok if that is indeed what they meant, and thanks for the thorough explanation, then I can understand better the concern. However, and I'm not trying to be unnecessarily harsh here just speaking plainly, their very brief and simple discussion of the complaint leaves much to the interpretation of the listener.

They're saying all the right things regarding physics so far. If they're true to their word, then perhaps finally they have dispensed of the truly ghastly physics present in Grid and the first Dirt title 👍

I can only live in hope :nervous:

Yep they are saying all the right things. If it were not for GRiD and DiRT 2, the former's physics being "questionable" as you note and the latter's presentation being a little too "x games-ish", then I would be quite enthusiastic. Alas both of these games are the most recent racing examples for the 360 & PS3 we can look back on from this publisher sooooo... still concerned am I.