improve engine sounds

  • Thread starter Mercury7
We agree that the engine sounds are unrealistic, but it's even worse when exhaust Sample is installed, it makes a sound acceptable to a V8 sounds V6 or L4 or of a vacuum cleaner! While her with the same car, for example, a Corvette

I do not know about you but when I install an exhaust on a V8 Mustang V8 still sounds they

I see that there is a serious problem in auditory Polyphony, even the most miserable games current car is better on the point
We agree that the engine sounds are unrealistic, but it's even worse when exhaust Sample is installed, it makes a sound acceptable to a V8 sounds V6 or L4 or of a vacuum cleaner! While her with the same car, for example, a Corvette

I do not know about you but when I install an exhaust on a V8 Mustang V8 still sounds they

I see that there is a serious problem in auditory Polyphony, even the most miserable games current car is better on the point
I've been really sick of people complaining about the engine sounds since GT5 came out....but then I drove the Trans Am in this game. I was kind of excited, figured it would have a nice growl to it being newly added to GT6 but oh my god. I've never been more baffled and disappointed, I just cannot fathom how someone programmed that, listened to it, and thought it was in any way acceptable.

On the other hand the Cobra Daytona sounds incredible, I just don't get it.
I've been really sick of people complaining about the engine sounds since GT5 came out....but then I drove the Trans Am in this game. I was kind of excited, figured it would have a nice growl to it being newly added to GT6 but oh my god. I've never been more baffled and disappointed, I just cannot fathom how someone programmed that, listened to it, and thought it was in any way acceptable.

On the other hand the Cobra Daytona sounds incredible, I just don't get it.
With the advances in technology and the amount of $$ it cost to produce this game I just felt that they would of took time to make that critical in a driver simulation.So yes I'm complaining but that's what they ask for in these polls and yes the Trans am was one of my major complaints
With the advances in technology and the amount of $$ it cost to produce this game I just felt that they would of took time to make that critical in a driver simulation.So yes I'm complaining but that's what they ask for in these polls and yes the Trans am was one of my major complaints

Yeah it was enough to make me come around, I'm officially upset about engine sounds now haha
GT is running 10 years behind on other racing games regarding engine sounds, when we drive a car it should sound like a car, and a car with the right engine note.

Driving beautifully rendered premium models that sound like vacuum cleaners or electrical blenders does not make any sense, this needs to be fixed asap!
I agree with many of other peoples here that in order to ennhance the experience Polyphony Digital needs the fix the sounds in the game, although many car sounds decent it still sounds somewhat too clean and muted. Not only the engine/exhaust notes also the loud transmission, blower off valve superchargers needs some variations and let's not forget the overly done tire squeal. It's a great game overall but it needs to be improved in the audio department in order to ennhance gameplay simulation wise.
I was going to speculate as to how they could go wrong with so many engine sounds, like guessing that they didn't check the audio until they got back to the studio, then realized it was garbage and un useable so they had to improvise...but thats just speculation. Instead I'll just ramble based on my experience in sound design and audio production.

First they should identify where things go wrong during the recording process, or where things go wrong in the sampling / manipulation process. The sounds guys need to go back to the drawing board on this issue.

Perhaps they should take a page from the Need for Speed series approach to audio, in which they record an entire RPM range of a car (under full load), then half throttle through the rpm's, then light, and then mix between the layers on the fly depending on how much you apply the throttle. I'd volunteer to program this myself. Its NOT a hard concept to put in action. They just need to get over the fact that they CANNOT replicate engines based on synthesis, which sounds like they are trying to do, and failing miserably at it. In other words, they need to use longer audio samples, and rely less on adding synthesis techniques to compensate for their poor recordings / samplings of any given engine.

Most of the cars in the game sound like a generic / muffled mid rpm sample, which is then getting pitch shifted up or down based on the users input, hence the vacume cleaner effect. What they STILL FAIL TO REALIZE is that engines are much more dynamic. They don't simply increase pitch. They scream, roar, sputter, click, bang, choke, vibrate based on surface movement, and their character evolves often through the rpm range, like awakening monsters only at specific RPM's. The sound guys need to be recording every car under different loads, both On and OFF the track, and implement the sounds properly. No shortcuts. No BS. If GT7 doesn't deliver epic engine noises later this year / next year, I'll begin to lose faith in the series.
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I agree as well with the sounds in general. Engine sounds first, tire noise second. I had a cat back system on my 240SX and none of the SX's with racing exhaust sound anything like real life. Most all of the V8s sound anything like the real thing. You get the nice start up sound but then when you drive the car it sounds nothing like the start up sound. I know there are a lot of cars but as far back as GT1 people have continued to complain and there are many cars still in the game from GT1. Supposedly they were recording real car sounds as far back as GT1. It is not hard to take an analog sound and convert it to digital. I do it all the time with music in my home studio.
The sounds are accurate to where your sitting in the car. No one drives a car from 5 feet behind the exhaust. In car footage of the Aussie V8's and you only hear transmission whine and road noise. What everyone wants in this game is unrealistic sounds. Change the title.

And nobody is driving his car on the hood or on the front splitter.

It's a big part of the magic when you hear a car from the outside. There is the bird view and GT6 is a game so whats better? Killing the birdview or add good soundeffects?

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