So Kaz, How are you going to convince the masses to purchase GT7?

It doesn't mean they DID NOT work on it. It jsut means that they changed focus.

Again.... :(
For the purposes of a discussion centered on whether Kaz's off hand statements can be construed as definitive proof of something being in active development, a game announced as being put together as a launch window title and then having nothing to show for it until five years later when a completely different game was announced doesn't even remotely help their point.
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Then stop asking people for evidence.

BrodieBoi: The fact is GT7 is being developed.
Imari: you can't come up with any objective evidence for this

Waste of time, have a good day.

I'm back on track about how Kaz could convince us loyal GT fans to buy GT7.

We all know there are many possibilities as far as what additions could be made with GT7, and I believe that PD have been paying attention to us. They've added things to GT6 that we have asked for and addressed issues we have had too.

So with that in mind hopefully they will provide a game which is still their vision but just incorporate a few goodies for their fan base.
Okay, Okay, you've made your point. So, the entire last two pages were aboutsomeone saying "Probably" and "Should" instead of "here is some evidence". Man, you are stuck on details.

I don't disagree with you. You have made an excellent point.


Can we give up on the "I have to have concrete evidence first" idea?

No, I have never said I have concrete evidence. But, even you admit that there is a "probably" and "should" here.

Can we move on now?

I, too, will believe it when I see it.

But I'm not going to scream "Show me the results!" before I say "probably"..... ;)
It's called accuracy or precision, not just "details" and it's a requirement for discussing things on the internet to avoid misunderstanding. Of course that presumes that the other half of the discussion reads with the same level of precision and not with their emotions. There are no subtle nuances here, no facial expressions, no visual or auditory cues to provide context. Discussions around here would be a lot shorter if people actually read what others wrote and understood it but plainly that is not the case. I never have any trouble understanding exactly what @Imari or @Tornado and several others mean because their language is precise and they tend not to make offhand comments without forethought. When their statements are challenged they always back them up, and if they are wrong or misspoke they admit it.

One may not always agree with what they say, but to me it's always easy to understand what they are saying. Anyone that thinks it's tough here, take a wander over to the Opinions and Current Events Forum and try posting your "conclusions" in there without back them up with citations. Fools are not suffered gladly there. The patience you get from Imari and Tornado is far, far greater here than you'll get in Opinions. :lol:
I'm back on track about how Kaz could convince us loyal GT fans to buy GT7.

We all know there are many possibilities as far as what additions could be made with GT7, and I believe that PD have been paying attention to us. They've added things to GT6 that we have asked for and addressed issues we have had too.

So with that in mind hopefully they will provide a game which is still their vision but just incorporate a few goodies for their fan base.

Yes, I think you are totally correct here. If they build GT as they have before, and add in the addition of fulfilling many (most? all?) wishlists EVER produced for GT (or any racing game, for that matter), GT will again be on the top, as it should be.

There is SO, SO much technology in this program. It's amazing that they don't use it more.

@Johnnypenso , I fully understand. I just couldn't think of the better way to put it.

As far as the O&CE forum, I refuse to go to such a negative place. That's why I'm trying to lighten the mood a touch. (Doesn't work well, but, hey... ;) )
Yes, I think you are totally correct here. If they build GT as they have before, and add in the addition of fulfilling many (most? all?) wishlists EVER produced for GT (or any racing game, for that matter), GT will again be on the top, as it should be.

There is SO, SO much technology in this program. It's amazing that they don't use it more.

@Johnnypenso , I fully understand. I just couldn't think of the better way to put it.

As far as the O&CE forum, I refuse to go to such a negative place. That's why I'm trying to lighten the mood a touch. (Doesn't work well, but, hey... ;) )
I find the O&CE Forum anything but negative. It's chock full of well reasoned, well supported, fact based discussion. Its a breath of fresh air relative to most discussion forums. To each his own I guess.
Well, considering much of the negativity I see here (and my lack of time to read everything), I have never looked, so you may be right. Sorry if I misstated that.
Well, considering much of the negativity I see here (and my lack of time to read everything), I have never looked, so you may be right. Sorry if I misstated that.
Ahhhh...I was going to ask that. You should check it out, it really makes you think a little deeper on some issues. No room for bs in there.
You're displaying the fact that you still don't understand the concept. Or my position.

I'll put this in big letters in the hope that size will aid comprehension:
I do not claim that GT7 is not under development.

I believe that they are developing it, but I don't claim that there's actual proof. If they release a GT7 trailer in the near future then that would be acceptable, and I would happily admit that those particular statements by Kazunori Yamauchi were probably not false.

There are three statements that can be made about the development of GT7:
1. It's happening.
2. It's not happening.
3. I don't know. <=(This is me!)

Why is it so hard for you to comprehend that someone might admit to not having enough information to form a factually accurate interpretation of a situation? I believe that they're developing GT7, but I don't know.

You and Brodie claim to know. You claim that it is a fact that GT7 is being developed as we speak. A claim which is feel is not well founded given the evidence you have presented so far.

But I think first we need to get around the problem that you simply appear to be unable to read and understand the words that I write. Then perhaps a rational discussion can appear, once you stop flinging straw men at me.


Feel free to back this statement up at any time, as well.
You ever browse through your old posts and think "Man have I changed!" ?

I don't know what got into me when I went on posting in opposition to you. I guess it was a stressful time in my life and I needed some way to vent. But returning to this and reading it just made me think "I sound like a douchebag!"

And you're absolutely right on all your points. We sure don't have any tangible evidence of GT7's development, so it WOULDN'T be logical to conclude that it is.

Anyways I believe the way to convince me, and possibly a few others, to purchase GT7 would be to provide promo videos of actual in-game features, and gameplay before release keeping us close to the development as the game nears it's specified release. ( Maybe having added some of our most desired suggestions)
Given that Kaz has spoken numerous times about some GT7 and PS4 expectations, I think we can say without fear of contradiction that there is evidence that GT7 is under development. However, obviously we have no insight into progress against milestones.
................To answer the OP, this is a simple matter to overcome.....


...........Usually marketing does wonders when you are trying to sell a product....:D
................To answer the OP, this is a simple matter to overcome.....


...........Usually marketing does wonders when you are trying to sell a product....


As long as it's premium cake, & not standard cake.
Does the cake come with icing, or is icing provided in a "later update"?

Icing will be in the promo video, people will taste it and "oooh and ahhhh", but then when the cake arrives, you find out that the icing in the video was just placeholder icing, and it's actually just a plastic shell that looks like icing. The real icing might come with GT7 if the new "icing engine" (similar to the sound engine) is ready..but no promises of course.
How are you going to prove that GT7 will not just be another GT5/6 fiasco?

No more empty promises about how much the PS4 is going to change GT, no more 'in a future update', no more 'its possible', no more 'its hardware limitations that prevent us from doing that', no more 'soon'.

What concrete PROOF do you have that GT7 is going to be leagues above the rest of the console sims (like GT used to be) enough so that we would be more than willing to drop our hard earned on it?

What features are going to be on the DISC AT LAUNCH that will set it aside from GT5 and 6?

All Kaz has to do is make dookie onto a disk and I will still pay top dollar for it. Thanks Kaz, I will always love your work!

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