TPC 300km of Daytona - 18th Febuary

Last minute privateer entry from the Michigan Automobile Club.
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Thanks for hosting @Adam Barber awesome job! Thanks to every driver as well, it was a pleasure racing all of you.

Stint 1 was a mix of trying to stay in @GTWolverine slip and staying ahead of @GT5Apex, who was very close behind. Both gaps eventually grew larger as the heavy Aston's tires started to fade and I lost the slip ahead. GTWolverine went for a two stop and I got my head down for stint 2, which was much smoother overall. Managing the tire wear, fuel, wind direction as well as trying to guesstimate the gap to Wolverine made this race very challenging!
After his 2nd stop, @GTWolverine got the gap down massively and crossed the line less than 0.5s behind, as my rear tires were gone 😳. @Philtaylor17 I never really saw, he was so far ahead the whole race 🤣. Congratulations!
Congrats also to @Spinerkopin for winning the other class. I'm very happy to be P2 in GTLM as I know that @GTWolverine is very handy around Daytona.

And my favorite shot of all, as I crossed the line:


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