Unpopular Opinions - General Thread

  • Thread starter Carbonox
Intercourse, PA
Since that other thread about unpopular motorsports opinions has gained a respectable amount of traction recently, why not also extend those to everyday life? Post opinions of yours that probably wouldn't gain you a lot of support, but which you vehemently (more or less) continue to hold. Remember to keep the motorsports opinions on the appropriate forum, of course.

Some of my most notable ones (excluding politics):

- Getting pregnant and subsequently birthing a child are not major achievements and I will not congratulate you for that. Raise 'em into well-behaved adults (or at least try your best if they're an utterly hopeless case) and then we're talking.

- On a related note, I dislike children in most forms and refuse to be around them any longer than I have to.

- Veganism is not any more of a morally superior/righteous lifestyle than, uhh, being a carnivore omnivore I mean.

- There's nothing wrong with living in your parents' home well into adulthood. Some cultures actually probably are in widespread agreement with this statement, mine isn't sadly.
Are we allowed to debate these opinions ?

If so I have to comment on this...
- Getting pregnant and subsequently birthing a child are not major achievements and I will not congratulate you for that. Raise 'em into well-behaved adults (or at least try your best if they're an utterly hopeless case) and then we're talking.
My sister has had one miscarriage, my sister in-law has had three, my boss has had one, and another friend of mine has had one recently too. There are millions of things that can go wrong when making a baby, so for me whenever a couple do get pregnant and successfully give birth, that is an achievement worthy of congratulations.
....And well, it's like saying please and thank you, it doesn't cost you anything to say congrats.
I'll drink to that!

It's not that I don't drink, I just don't drink beer. I hate how people still try and convince me to like beers and to try beer. I have, it's rotten; leave me to my spirits.
It's not that I don't drink, I just don't drink beer. I hate how people still try and convince me to like beers and to try beer. I have, it's rotten; leave me to my spirits.

Fair enough, all beers are not equal though, just as all spirits are not.

Choosing Black cars; Too easy of a decision in the context of personal statement/expression. Try being a bit more bold than making the wheels and lamps black too.

Plus, so many people do it, rendering your colour choice even less special.

Go green, go yellow. Go purple or something! But do it with class and pick the right car to do it with for crying out loud. I parked beside a green GT-R outside a Computer store today and I wasn't impressed.

Beer is absolutely awful. Ales, lagers, stouts, porters, milds, wheats, bitters, whatever. All of them.

I am with you on that. To me, it seems the first joy of beer is the pleasure of having what you couldn't have before (i.e. underage drinking). I've heard people say the joy in drinking beer isn't as exciting when you're fully allowed to have it.
Modern rap and hip hop (2007+), as a whole, is decent.

Strongly disagree. Today rap sounds terrible. Like these dudes ain't even talking about anything and not even saying words. Overall im saying. I can't stand the trap beats. Everyone sounds the same. Now it is some new school guys like Kendrick lamar, Jcole and Big sean that's actually being creative and not being a follower along with a few other new school guys.
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Beer is absolutely awful. Ales, lagers, stouts, porters, milds, wheats, bitters, whatever. All of them.

In agreement with you and @Roo on this one. Granted, I'm not old enough to legally drink, my parents have allowed me to at least try a sip of something when they, very rarely, order something alcoholic when we go out to eat, and it just doesn't taste at all decent to me. It tastes the same as gym socks are to smell, in my opinion. It just doesn't appeal to me, but to each his own.

My turn, and I have a feeling this one might be controversial, so please don't tear me limb from limb! :scared: Anyhow, I think the United States could benefit from having Trump as president. The more and more I hear about the mass shootings, people taking sides with (or against) the LGBT community, #BlackLivesMatter, etc. Whatever the issue may be, I think America as a whole, has gotten soft. People don't stick up for themselves anymore. It seems everyone has something to fight about now a days. Trump isn't a career politician, and sure, he may be a racist, but he isn't afraid to speak his mind. The government is handing out so much stuff with wellfare anymore, that people won't go out nd work to make they're lives better. It's just...sickening to see all this happen. Me personally, I go to work, do my best in school, and I've come out okay so far. I just think we need someone who will open people's eyes to what I feel is wrong with the country. Again, that's just my personal opinion, and I try not to get into politics much, but I felt I could speak my mind here.
Strongly disagree. Today rap sounds terrible. Like these dudes ain't even talking about anything and not even saying words. Overall im saying. I can't stand the trap beats. Everyone sounds the same. Now it is some new school guys like Kendrick lamar, Jcole and Big sean that's actually being creative and not being a follwer along with a few other new school guys.
I understand that there are horrible rappers out there, but as a whole, there are as many good ones today as there are bad ones. There are Kendrick, J. Cole, and Big Sean as you said, but I can name a lot more.

Tyler, The Creator
Denzel Curry (I'll admit a lot of his stuff is mindless, but he has some good stuff)
Childish Gambino
Chance the Rapper
...and more, but I'm not going to spend any longer than I need to on this.

Personally, I think the reason everyone thinks today's rap and hip hop is awful is because all the mainstream stuff is the meaningless stuff. I also think it's okay to listen to some meaningless music occasionally, but too much gets irritating. I'm not trying to force you to believe my opinion is correct, but I just wish people would open their eyes to more of the positives in situations like this.
Beer is absolutely awful. Ales, lagers, stouts, porters, milds, wheats, bitters, whatever. All of them.

Given the choice I always prefer Soft Drinks to alcohol, the lack of substancial Sugar in alchol makes it kinda unpealling to me unless it's something sweet like liqueurs. Vodka and Cola... I'm kinda it in for the Cola! :sly:
Game Related:

- Pokemon Go is going to end up like Flappy Bird and eventually die out in months time, the game is too shallow to last very long in terms of popularity. Soon the next thing will show up and take over. Trading (which is set to come out in future) will mean everyone will get through the game faster.

- Pendulum, Xyz and Synchro Summons didn't not break Yugioh. The OP Pendulum, Xyz, Synchro monsters did (as well as Monarchs and Kozmos)

- Pokemon Black/White are the best Games in existence.

- PS4 and Xbox ONE are practically the same thing now (except for pricing, controllers and certain exclusives)

- Ratchet & Clank should've never been rebooted when Into the Nexus ended on a cliffhanger.

- FNAF is scary

- Amnesia isn't scary in the slightest.

Non-Game related:

- Incest is totally fine and shouldn't be anyones business but the people involved (future me: oh boi, look at this uneducated ****)

- You shouldn't change your opinion on topics just because you are "growing up".

- Suits make people look boring

Complaining about Pokèmon Go just because it's the new "in" thing right now is stupid.

Making assumptions why people think they hate something is stupid
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I don't think anyone changes their opinion solely on the fact they are growing up. The fact your perspective and experience change is the reason why opinions can change, also because hormones. Thinking something because you've always thought it is daft.
Not in that sense, that is fine. I mean the typical school opinion of you shouldn't like *insert* because it is made for children.

Tell that to the kids it produces
How does that prevent 2 people from loving each other?

Also if they want kids, they can go the route that homosexual relationship takes (have a birth parent or adopt), they don't have to make a kid with each other.
I don't care that much about cars.
One for this site particularly.

I don't care that much about cars.
I don't know much about them & don't take an interest either. I like to follow the road in Gran Turismo, as a game to play, but not in real life.
I'm drinking cider on a train right now, I wouldn't get away with that if I was driving. :D
I don't know much about them & don't take an interest either. I like to follow the road in Gran Turismo, as a game to play, but not in real life.
I'm drinking cider on a train right now, I wouldn't get away with that if I was driving. :D
Same. Although I don't care about GT either anymore. :lol:
And F1 is the only motorsport I watch.

I come here for the infield and that is it really.
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