Who goes back to Colorado?

  • Thread starter GTvsForza
I just don't know what it needs to finally give up that last barn find.
If you don't have it already, drive long enough you start considering it an endurance event.

I just completed the game again last night. Didn't have as much fun this time, even though Alice kept quiet for the most part. She's still annoying, Dak can still be creepy, and the marquis drivers range from forgettable to massive egotistical 🤬. There's parts of the map that irritate me to no end just because they shatter the flow, and it must just be me because almost every race used one of these sections.

Think this'll be the last trip to Colorado for me.
If you don't have it already, drive long enough you start considering it an endurance event.
Thanks. I finally figured out that I needed to get to a certain level of online racing. It didn't take much. Once I got back to main race, the final barn find showed up.
Not sure if this is the appropriate thread to bring up this question, but I'm wondering if anyone else is having an issue with their physical copy of Forza Horizon 1.

I purchased a used copy of Forza Horizon from a local used game/music store and couldn't get it working. Clean disk, working disk drive (maybe) on our 360, but nothing but an "Open Tray" option where the game should be launched. Ended up returning it.

Today, I went over to my friend's apartment to play with his copy on his 360. No luck.... He had his copy since new and took good care of it, but it would come up with an unreadable disk error.

Anyone run into this sort of issue?
Almost 3 year bump:

Because the older Horizons are now compatible with the Series, I might reinstall FH1 for the nostalgia!

I work a half day Friday, so I might stop by Best Buy to get a Seagate card for my S. That way, I'll have more than enough space for my future games (Flight Sim, FH5 and Motorsport)

turns out I was late to get the digital copy (5 years late...)
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GTvsForza, I understand. Hurricane Ida flooded my apartment back in September and with it shot my Xbox 360 and the disc drive to my Xbox One S, so I have nothing to play Horizon 1 on anymore. My One S is in repairs at the moment by yours truly, and if I hopefully get another disc drive then Porter Robinson's "Language" will bellow from my speakers once again.
I re-played Horizon 1 to 100% with a fresh save over the long weekend (mine begins Thursday night), and I must say it's as good as I remember it when I played through it for the first time at launch. Progression feels neither too quick nor too grindy (though admittedly I cheesed a bit by finding all the discount signs, doing all the PR stunts, and winning all the showcases before doing any of the actual races). As for the story, while I don't miss the characters, I respect that the game doesn't try too hard with the story and having the characters act like they do creating an incentive to defeat them and progress. The music, aside from the dubstep, has aged like wine even ten years later and I still listen to much of the game's soundtrack regularly. Hearing "Language" is just as delightful today as it was when the game was new.

My only major gripes with Horizon 1 are the car list, which I've always felt was slim (even though it is larger than both TDUs and PGR 2-4, which I think have great car lists that hold up even today despite their small numbers by today's standards) considering all the interesting cars that FM4 had and made worse by the fact that I didn't buy the DLC while I could get it (RIP Toyota FJ Cruiser), that the lower classes are barely used (there are no E-class races and only one D-class race), and that there is no free play mode to experiment with some of the races (the street races in particular for me) in slower/faster classes.

The servers are unavailable, probably for good (as is the case for FM3/4 but not FM2 apparently), so I unfortunately can't revisit some of the rivals times I had back in the day, some of which were in the top 100.

This may or may not be a coincidence, but the rest of my family vacationed in Colorado for real during my playthrough. Perhaps I should have joined them instead of playing video games...
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I wanted to prepare for week 1 in the FH5 anniversary series so I went back to Colorado to familiarise myself with the first game in the series. It's a lot more fun than I remember it being when I first played. Back in 2012 all I remember was wishing the game had a higher rame rate, more resolution and less motion blur and now it has courtesy of Series X backward compatibility. Now I can appreciate the beautiful scenery, evocative lighting and rich cast of supporting characters.

The difficulty is harder than I remember it being though. I think I must have been a better player ten years ago. Rally is fun too.
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